Monday, October 31, 2022

Communicatio in sacris

St. Pope Pius X (1835-1914):

“But where a deplorable schism tore a
great number of Eastern Christians from
the center of Catholic unity, it was no
longer possible to continue such a
praiseworthy custom [that is, communion
with the Greeks prior to 1054 A.D.].
Michael Cerularius, who was not satisfied
with uttering poisonous calumnies against
the customs and ceremonies of the Latins,
openly declared that the consecration of
the unleavened bread was null and void [in
the Latin church]. It was then that the
Roman Pontiffs, careful of their Apostolic
duty, to prevent the Latins from falling
into error, forbade them to consecrate or
receive the Blessed Eucharist under the
species of leavened bread.

As for the Greeks [converts] who returned
to the faith and Catholic unity, they [the
Popes] allowed them to communicate with
unleavened bread in Latin churches, a
measure which, considering the times and
places [the Greek converts had to use Latin
churches], was certainly not fitting but

In fact, as at that time it was not
easy to find Greek bishops who
were united to St. Peter’s Chair
and very few Catholic churches
of the Eastern rite existed, it was
to be greatly feared that
Catholics of the Eastern rite, if
not allowed to communicate in
Latin churches, would frequent
schismatic [so-called Orthodox
churches] and Pastors and would
run the risk of losing their faith.”

(Apostolic Constitution Tradita ad antiquis, Sept. 14, 1912. See also: Papal Teachings: The Liturgy, Selected and Arranged by the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, Translated by the Daughters of St. Paul, Boston, Mass. 1962, p. 222).

Sunday, October 30, 2022

What will heaven be like?


  1. In “Companion Frames” Fr Walter Farrell, O.P. notes:

    Beginnings of life. Essential happiness of heaven: Its nature

    For some men, then, death begins the life of heaven. Much has already been said about the essential, constitutive happiness of heaven, particularly in the beginning of the second volume of this work where the question was treated at considerable length. It will be enough here to recall that the fundamental happiness of heaven consists in the possession of God, the faint shadows of Whose perfection, beauty, and goodness accounted for all that was real, all that was beautiful, all that was good in the space of our mortal days. Another way of saying the same thing, but from the side of man, would be to point out that heaven is the highest perfection of man’s highest faculties constituting his complete fulfillment. The two are seen as one when we remember that we possess God through the beatific vision, that face to face, intuitive knowledge which comes from the immediate union of the essence of God with the intellect of man; from that grasp of God flows the unceasing joy of heaven into the will of man, marking the full satisfaction of all his deepest desires and leaving him at complete peace.

    That vision of God is an act that begins but never ends. Divinity is not enclosed in the finite limits of a human concept enabling man to say “I know it all.” Rather the act of knowledge begun by the union of the divine essence and the human intellect is an eternally enduring moment of penetration into the depths of divine riches; man will never be finished seeing what he will never fully comprehend, though the simplicity of the divine essence assures him of seeing it all. In the essence of God, each man also sees all that pertains to him, all to which he has any link; and along with this knowledge, there is, of course, the knowledge he has gathered in this life and that which comes by the infusion of species directly by God.

    There are several points to be noted here, though they have been brought out before. There is, for instance, the fact that heaven demands the most intense and unceasing activity of mind and will from every man; it is not an eternal vacation in the sense of there being absolutely nothing to do. The deep and lasting peace of heaven is not a statement of eternal stagnation but of complete coordination of all man’s faculties operating at their fullest; it is a statement of absence of conflict, not of the absence of any signs of life. The complete satisfaction of man’s desires in heaven is not to be confused with the satiety that strikes a man down into heavy slumber after a full dinner, or disgusts him with the thing that has satisfied his appetite; these things are true only of the sense appetites in this life. The spiritual appetites of man, whose echoes will be so completely satisfying to man’s senses, are not dulled by satisfaction but made more alert, their quiet is not that of a dozing incapacity for further activity but the quiet of a love that has found all its energies engaged in adequate expression of that love.


    If you are on Santorini and you have walked from Fira to Oia, hand in hand with your bride, and you have settled in a choice spot, and uncorked a great wine (made from grapes only grown on Santorini) and you are settling in for an hour or so to watch a sunset that glows with a glory more brilliant than an Welder’s Arc, you make think you will never be so happy – but then you die – and if you die saved and sanctified you will see God who made all that you have ever seen; God who is infinitely more beautiful than anything He created or anything you have ever seen or imagined.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Pope John Paul II said that Adam was created as a male and a female

 John Paul II

The Redemption of the Body and

Sacramentality of Marriage (Theology of the Body)

From the Weekly Audiences of His Holiness September 5, 1979 – November 28, 1984


The Original Unity of Man and Woman8

The words of Genesis, "It is not good that the man should be alone" (2:18) are a prelude to the narrative of the creation of woman. Together with this narrative, the sense of original solitude becomes part of the meaning of original unity, the key point of which seems to be precisely the words of Genesis 2:24. Christ referred to them in his talk with the Pharisees: "A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh" (Mt 19:5). If Christ quoted these words referring to the "beginning," it is opportune for us to clarify the meaning of that original unity, which has its roots in the fact of the creation of man as male and female. (Page 21)

That is manifested above all in that stage in which man ('adam) is definitively created as male and female (‘is-'issah) (p.22)

 Man is "male and female" right from the beginning. (P. 22)

If we admit, moreover, a significant difference of vocabulary, we can conclude that the man ('adam) falls into that "sleep" in order to wake up "male" and "female." (23)

Was there an uproar protesting against this bizarre teaching?

Adam was created as both a male and female?

That is a teaching of the Kabbalah and I discovered that when the Bride was working with a Jewess who knew I was religious. She asked The Bride to tell me she had invited me to study the Kabbalah with her.

I declined and then out of curiosity sake, I read some info on the Kabbalah - very weird mysticism; very strange; the stench of sulphur was all over it.

The Kabbalah and Adam created as both male and female


I don't see how what JP II claimed can be reconciled with Catholicism.

Nevertheless, us Catholics are told that Bergoglio is the real problem

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Killer is dead.


The interruption one can hear in the background is the voice of an impatient Jimmy Van Eaton, The Killer's drummer, and the it he wants cut is Great Balls of Fire.

Friday Fun


Dear Mick..

I am a 47 year old Catholic woman who is completely flummoxed after going with my husband to a celebration-of-life service for his dead brother, Donnie, at our Martin Sheen community worship space in Fussels Corner, Florida.

First of all, the presider wore white, not black, and  second of all, he said that Ronnie's brother, Donnie, was in Heaven but we have no way of knowing that, do we?

But, the worst thing that happened was that during the eulogy (Are we even allowed to have eulogies during a service?) for Donnie, I look over and I see Ronnie getting all cutest and smiley and flirty-wirty with this cute number and, I mean, this was right during the part where the presider is saying, "Donnie is up in Heaven looking down on us right this minute."

Yeah, well, if that was true, then Donnie was watching Ronnie flirting with some blonde during his celebration-of-life service.

Am  I wrong to be mad at Ronnie who keeps telling me I am making a huge hairy mole out of a barely perceptible birthmark?

I tell ya, I was so upset I almost didn't go and grab a wafer and scarf some wine because my palms were so sweaty, I'd like to drop both of them but I'll be damned if I was going to be the only one there not to have the lord's supper - even including Donnie's wife, Zissel, who left a huge red lipstick mark on the cup.

O, and didn't I feel like a fool by telling Zissel that as a Jew she couldn't eat the wafer and drink the wine just about two seconds before the presider said, "The Lord loves everyone and he refuses no one so, please, everybody, come and share the Lord's Supper with us."


Flummoxed in Fussels Corner, Florida.

Dear Flummoxed in Fussels Corner, Florida.  As you well know, beginning with Vatican Two, much has changed within the Church and what you describe is just another example of that but can we really say that the way things used to be was far superior?

Si, se puede (Yes we can).

However, that does not necessarily mean that Ronnie was wrong (although he was) because modern man often has to look outside his community worship space in the local Franchise of Dead Diocese, Inc. America to latch onto some serious semiotics because it seems that nobody knows what the hell to do in Church a community worship space anymore.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Assisi always, et in secular saeculorum Amen

Matthew 10: Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. [35] For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 

[35] "I came to set a man at variance": Not that this was the end or design of the coming of our Saviour; but that his coming and his doctrine would have this effect, by reason of the obstinate resistance that many would make, and of their persecuting all such as should adhere to him.

[36] And a man's enemies shall be they of his own household


In this speech JP II, under whose authority the new Catechism and the new Code of Canon Law were promulgated , and in the shadow of whom the Church operates and whose presence and influence  is so puissant that the name of The Catholic Church many as well be changed to the Church of John Paul II.

I do not speak Italian and, for some reason the Holy See does not carry this speech in English (cannot imagine why) so I used google to do the translating.


 1. It is with particular joy that I greet you in this traditional meeting which sees us gathered to exchange greetings for Christmas and the New Year. I thank the new cardinal dean of the sacred college for the noble words with which he has interpreted the feelings that this moment of family intimacy suggests.

In these days immediately preceding the great feast of Christmas, in which we celebrate and commemorate together the Word of God, the life and light of men who "became flesh for us and dwelt among us" (Jn 1, 14), my soul spontaneously relives together with you, venerable and dear brothers of the Roman curia, what seems to have been the most followed religious event in the world in this year that is about to end: the world day of prayer for peace in Assisi, last October 27th. (1986)

The Incarnation is one thing but my fetid festival at Assisi is another and I am going to describe the importance of my initiative rather than The Incarnation because what I did is what Vatican Two desired which means that my personal praxis is now the wave of the future for The Catholic Church, which is now The Way, for The Catholic Church is now, as an institution the ever lengthening shadow of my Papal Praxis of Indifferentism, Syncretism, World Travel, World Youth Days and a lack of interest in the Holy Holocaust/Holy Sacrifice of The Mass but not the world war two war crimes committed against the Jews.

In fact on that day, and in the prayer which was the reason and the only content, it seemed for an active that the hidden but radical unity that the divine Word, "in whom everything was created and in which everything subsists" ( Col 1, 16; Jn 1, 3), he established among the men and women of this world, those who now share together the anxieties and joys of this end of the twentieth century, but also those who preceded us in history and those who will take our place "until the Lord comes" (cf. 1 Cor 11:26). The fact of having gathered in Assisi to pray, fast and walk in silence - and this for peace that is always fragile and always threatened, perhaps today more than ever - was like a clear sign of the profound unity of those who seek values ​​in religion. spiritual and transcendent in response to the great questions of the human heart, despite concrete divisions (cf. Nostra Aetate, 1).

What was the Unity existing between you, the Vicar of Christ, and, say the Hindus? Is it just that you are both creatures?

Well, so was Jefferey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacey.

2. This event seems to me to be of such great importance that it invites us in itself to a thorough reflection to clarify its meaning ever better in the light of the now imminent commemoration of the coming of the eternal Son of God in the flesh.

Because it is obvious that we cannot be satisfied with the fact itself and its successful realization. Certainly the day in Assisi encourages all those whose personal and community life is guided by a conviction of faith to draw the consequences on the level of a deeper conception of peace and of a new way of committing themselves to it. But also, and perhaps mainly, that day invites us to a "reading" of what happened in Assisi and its intimate meaning, in the light of our Christian and Catholic faith. In fact, the appropriate key to reading for such a great event comes from the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, which associates rigorous fidelity to biblical revelation and to the tradition of the church in a stupendous way, with the awareness of the needs and anxieties of our time, expressed in many eloquent "signs" (cf. Gaudium et Spes, 4).

Yep, Vatican Two officially inaugurated Indifference and Syncretism

3. The council has more than once placed the very identity and mission of the church in relation to the unity of the human race, especially when it wished to define the church "as a sacrament, that is, a sign and instrument of intimate union. with God and the unity of the whole human race ”(Lumen Gentium, 1.9; cf. Gaudium et Spes, 42).

Jesus Christ gave His Church its mission- The Great Commission and He established  His One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church for two purposes



neither of which can be realised in the false religions you called to Assisi and put the Catholic Church on the same level as those false and superstitious religions you seem to treasure

This radical unity which belongs to the very identity of the human being, is based on the mystery of divine creation. The one God in whom we believe, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, created man and woman with particular attention, according to the story of Genesis; this affirmation contains and communicates a profound truth: the unity of the divine origin of the whole human family, of every man and woman, which is reflected in the unity of the divine image that each bears within himself (cf. Gen 1:26) , and directs in itself to a common end (cf. Nostra Aetate, 1). "You made us, oh Lord, for you", exclaims Saint Augustine, in the prime of his maturity as a thinker, "and our heart is restless until it rests in you" (Confessions, 1). The dogmatic constitution Dei Verbum (Dei Verbum, 3) declares that “God, who creates and preserves everything through his Word, offers men a perennial testimony of himself. . . and he took assiduous care of the human race to give eternal life to all those who seek salvation with perseverance in the practice of good ”.

Therefore there is only one divine plan for every human being who comes into this world (cf. Jn 1: 9), one single beginning and end, whatever the color of his skin, the historical and geographical horizon in which he happens to live and act, the culture in which he grew up and expresses himself. Differences are a less important element than unity which is instead radical, basic and decisive.

There is no unity between Christ and Belial

4. The divine plan, unique and definitive, has its center in Jesus Christ, God and man "in whom men find the fullness of religious life and in whom God has reconciled all things to himself" (Nostra Aetate, 2) . Just as there is neither man nor woman who does not carry with him the plan of his divine origin, so there is no one who can remain outside or on the margins of the work of Jesus Christ, "who died for all", and hence "Savior of the world" (cf. Jn 4:42). “Therefore we must believe that the Holy Spirit gives everyone the possibility of coming into contact, in the way that God alone knows, with the paschal mystery” (Gaudium et Spes, 22).

As we read in the first letter to Timothy, God “wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. Indeed, one alone is God and one alone is the mediator between God and men ”(1 Tim 2: 4-6). This radiant mystery of the creatural unity of mankind, and of the unity of Christ's saving work, which brings with it the rise of the church, as minister and instrument, was clearly manifested in Assisi despite the differences in religious professions, for nothing hidden or attenuated.

No. It. Did. Not.

5. In the light of this ministry, in fact, differences of every kind, and above all religious differences, to the extent that they are reductive to God's plan, reveal themselves as belonging to another order. If the order of unity is that which goes back to creation and redemption and is therefore, in this sense, "divine", these differences and divergences, even religious ones, go back rather to a "human fact", and must be overcome in progress towards the implementation of the grandiose design of unity which presides over creation. There are, of course, differences in which the genius and spiritual "riches" given by God to peoples are reflected (cf. Ad Gentes, 11). It is not these that I am referring to. Here I mean to allude to the differences in which the limits, the evolutions and the falls of the human spirit threatened by the spirit of evil in history are manifested (Lumen Gentium, 16).

No, that is not true. Jesus established His Church. That is not a human fact but, rather, the plain and smile truth.

Men may often not be aware of this radical unity of origin, destination and insertion in the same divine plan; and when they profess different and incompatible religions, they may also feel their divisions as insuperable. But despite these, they are included in the great and unique plan of God, in Jesus Christ, who "has united himself in a certain way to every man" ( Gaudium et Spes, 22), even if he is not aware of it.

Lord Have Mercy. He is saying, long before Bergoglio did, that God wills the false religions, that God has that as His plan.

6. In this great plan of God for humanity the Church finds her identity and her task as a "universal sacrament of salvation" precisely in being a "sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of unity of all kinds. human "(Lumen Gentium, 1); this means that the church is called to work with all its strength (evangelization, prayer, dialogue) so that the fractures and divisions of men are recomposed, which distance them from their beginning and end and make them hostile to each other. ; it also means that the entire human race, in the infinite complexity of its history, with its different cultures, is "called to form the new people of God" in which the blessed union of God with man and the unity of the human family: "All men are therefore called to this Catholic unity of the People of God, which prefigures and promotes universal peace and to which both the Catholic faithful and the faithful belong or are ordained in various ways. the other believers in Christ, and, finally, all men, who by the grace of God are called to salvation ”(Lumen Gentium, 13).

7. The universal unity founded on the event of creation and redemption cannot fail to leave a trace in the living reality of men, even belonging to different religions. For this reason the council invited the church to discover and respect the seeds of the Word present in these religions (Ad Gentes, 11) and affirmed that all those who have not yet received the Gospel are "ordained" to the supreme unity of the one people. of God, to whom by his grace and by the gift of faith and baptism all Christians already belong, with whom Catholics "who maintain the unity of communion under the successor of Peter", know that "they are united for many reasons "(Cf. Lumen Gentium, 15).

Man o man, this is so confused as he tries to conflate truth and error as a type of unity; He foreshadowed Bergoglio.''

Respect worship directed to Satan?

1 Corinth 10 19 What then? Do I say, that what is offered in sacrifice to idols, is any thing? Or, that the idol is any thing?

20 But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils.

21 You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord, and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord, and of the table of devils.

It is precisely the real and objective value of this "ordination" to the unity of the one people of God, often hidden from our eyes, that can be recognized on the day of Assisi; and in the prayer with the Christian representatives present it is the profound communion that already exists among us in Christ and in the Spirit, alive and active, even if still incomplete, which has had its own peculiar manifestation.

No. Christ divides. He does not unite truth and error.

The Assisi event can thus be considered as a visible illustration, a lesson of facts, a catechesis intelligible to all, of what the ecumenical commitment and commitment to interreligious dialogue recommended and promoted by the Vatican Council presupposes and means. II.

And as for the First Commandment?

8. As an inspiring source and as a fundamental orientation for this commitment there is always the mystery of unity, both that already achieved in Christ through faith and baptism, and that which is expressed in the "ordination" to the people of God, and therefore still to be fully achieved.

I'm sorry but this is spiritual confusion.  There is NO unity between the Church Jesus established and the False faiths started by sinful men but The Catholic Church possesses Unity - it's in the Creed.

And just as the first finds its suitable and always valid expression in the decree Unitatis Redintegratio on ecumenism, the second is formulated, on the level of interreligious relationship and dialogue, in the declaration Nostra Aetate, both to be read in the context of the Constitution Lumen Gentium. And it is in this second dimension, still very new compared to the first, that the day in Assisi provides us with precious elements for reflection, which are illuminated by a careful reading of the aforementioned declaration on non-Christian religions.

O, good Lord...

Here too we speak of the "one community" that men form in this world and it is explained as the fruit of the "one common origin", "since God made the entire human race dwell on the whole face of the earth, so that you set out towards "a single ultimate goal, God, whose providence, testimony of goodness and plan of salvation extended to all, until the elect gather in the Holy City that the glory of God will illuminate and where the peoples will walk in his light (Our Aetate, 1).

There is not a community of people

In the following paragraphs, the declaration teaches us to appreciate the various non-Christian religions, within this general framework of our radical unity, but also underlining the authentic values ​​that distinguish them in their effort to answer "the dark enigmas of the human condition", in which effort wants to see "a ray of that truth that enlightens all men". And so “the Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these religions”, and indeed “exhorts her children to be prudent and charitable. . . always giving witness to the faith and Christian life, they recognize, preserve and advance the spiritual, moral and social values ​​found in them ”(Nostra Aetate, 1. 2).

In doing so, the church aims above all to recognize and respect that "ordination" to the people of God of which the constitution Lumen Gentium (Lumen Gentium, 16) speaks and to which I referred earlier. When she acts in this way, she is therefore aware that she is following a divine indication, because it is the Creator and Redeemer who, in his plan of love, has arranged this mysterious relationship between religious men and women and the unity of the people of God.

There is first of all a relationship with the Jewish people: "that people to whom testaments and promises were given and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh", united to us with a spiritual bond. But there is also a relationship with "those who recognize the Creator, and among them in the first place the Muslims, who, professing to keep the faith of Abraham, adore with us a single, merciful God, who will judge men on the day the final". And there is also a relationship with those who "seek an unknown God in shadows and images" and from whom "God himself is not far away" (Lumen Gentium, 16. 19).

Good Lord. There is no unity between those who accept and worship the Messias and those who rejected Him and Crucified Him and to this day refuse to accept Him.

As to the claim of unity with Mahometanism (That teaches Jesus did not die on the Cross) , that is a sad, and deadly, doctrine.

9. Presenting the Catholic Church holding Christian brothers by the hand and these all together joining hands with brothers of other religions, the day of Assisi was like a visible expression of these affirmations of the Second Vatican Council. With it and through it we have been able, by the grace of God, to put into practice, without any shadow of confusion and syncretism, our conviction, instilled by the council, on the unity of beginning and end of the human family and on the meaning and on the value of non-Christian religions.

He claims to be rejecting the very syncretism he practices and promotes and defends by citing Vatican Two Documents.

And the day did it not teach us to reread, in turn, with more open and penetrating eyes the rich conciliar teaching on God's saving plan, its centrality in Jesus Christ, and the profound unity from which it starts and towards which it tends through the diakonia of the church? And the Catholic Church has manifested itself to its children and to the world in the exercise of its function of "promoting unity and charity among men, indeed among peoples" (Nostra Aetate, 1).

No, ya'll have dragged the spotless bride out into the alley in the hope her enemies will accept her. They won't but they LOVE you dragging her out into the alleys.

In this sense, it must also be said that the very identity of the Catholic Church and the awareness it has of itself were strengthened in Assisi. In fact, the Church, that is, ourselves, we have better understood, in the light of the event, what is the true meaning of the mystery of unity and reconciliation which the Lord entrusted to us, and which he first exercised when he offered his life "not only for the people, but also to unite the scattered children of God" (Jn 11:52).

10. The Church exercises this essential ministry in various ways: through the evangelization of the sacraments and pastoral guidance from the Successor of Peter and the bishops, through the daily service of priests, deacons, men and women religious, through the effort and witness of missionaries and catechists, through the silent prayer of contemplatives and the suffering of the sick, the poor and the oppressed, and through many forms of dialogue and collaboration of Christians to realize the ideals of the Beatitudes and promote values of the kingdom of God.

The church also exercised this ministry in Assisi, in an unprecedented way, if you like, but no less effective and demanding, as was recognized by our guests, who expressed their joy and exhorted us to continue along the path taken. On the other hand, the situation of the world, as we see on this Christmas Eve, is in itself an urgent call to rediscover and always keep alive the spirit of Assisi as a reason for hope for the future.

Well, of course our enemies want the Hierarchy to continue to place the One True Church on the same level, literally right beside the false religions as though they are equal.

11. There the unique value that prayer has for peace was discovered in an extraordinary way; and indeed that peace cannot be had without prayer, and the prayer of all, each in his own identity and in the search for truth. And in this we must see, like what we have said before, another admirable manifestation of that unity that connects us beyond the differences and divisions known to all. Every authentic prayer is under the influence of the Spirit "who intercedes with insistence for us", "because we do not even know what it is convenient to ask", but he prays in us "with inexpressible groans" and "he who searches hearts knows what they are the desires of the Spirit ”(cf. Rom 8, 26-27). In fact, we can believe that every authentic prayer is aroused by the Holy Spirit, who is mysteriously present in the heart of every man.

Catholics searching for truth?

The Holy Ghost inspires members of satanic cults to pray to God and The Holy Ghost is in the hearts of men who have never been Bapitised?

This too was seen in Assisi: the unity that comes from the fact that every man and woman are capable of praying: that is, of submitting themselves totally to God and recognizing themselves as poor before him. Prayer is one of the means to carry out God's plan among men (cf. Ad Gentes, 3). In this way it became clear that the world cannot give peace (cf. Jn 14:27), but that it is a gift from God and that it must be obtained from him through the prayers of all.

Peace is the tranquillity of order, the order established by Jesus Christ, not some U.N. humanistic inspired fetid festival that was Assisi.

Without Jesus there is no peace.

The Evils of Ecumenism

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Inertia Into Indifferentism/Syncretism.

 Invocatio Post Communionem

O Lord God almighty, thy blessed Son! who graciously hearest them that call upon thee in uprightness, who knowest the prayers of those even who are silent; we thank thee for thou hast deemed us worthy to partake of thy sacred mysteries thou hast given to us, for fully strengthening our faith in those things which we so well know, for the preservation of piety, and for the forgiveness of our sins; for the name of thy Christ has been invoked upon us, and we have been joined to thee.

O thou that has separated us from communion with the ungodly, unite us with them that are consecrated to thee...

O Mary, Mother of Mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of Divine charity, there may soon be one only fold under the same one Shepherd; and may we all, O Glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen.

Prayer for the Conversion of America

Pope Pius IX, the Raccolta, No. 626, p. 499, 1957 Edition 

Titus 3:10

A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he, that is such an one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment

Romans 16

Now I beseech you, brethren, to mark them who make dissensions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them. For they that are such, serve not Christ our Lord, but their own belly; and by pleasing speeches and good words, seduce the hearts of the innocent

Phillipians 3

Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.

2 Corinth

"And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?"

But, the Fetid Festival that JP II held at Assisi changed all of this and Bergoglio is just following in his footsteps.

More about that tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Florida Gubernatorial Debate

 watched the Charlie Crist - Ron DeSantis debate last night and it was a clown show 

Each side has its partisan Howler Monkey sections and when Charlie or Ron said something that they liked they’d start screeching and howling, slapping each other on the back, grabbing their crotches and flinging poo at their opponents. 

When I first turned the debate on I thought I heard a mini helicopter circling inside of the arena but it was merely the host Liz Quirantes, local TV news reader, blinking her giant fake eye lashes together.

Liz makes Tammy Faye Baker look like an Amish Spinster. 

No matter what the topic was Ol’ Charlie would find a way to work abortion into his answer.

Liz Quirantes “ Congressman Crist, gas prices have become a big issue in the State of Florida. What can you do to deal with this issue?”

Crist “ We’ll, that’s an excellent question Liz. Why won’t Ron DeSantis support abortion at any time so poor Floridian single Moms don’t have to drive to Connecticut for their health care?”

It went on and and on and on like that forever and I imagine Rocket Man in North Korea was watching the debate and thinking“ Americans are watching this and ignoring what I have to say; to hell with this. imma fire another missile over Japan”

These debates are a joke but it did remind me of something I read on Twitter a few days ago that was really funny and evoked in me a mental image that played out in the theatre of my mind.

A liberal was describing what it was like to debate a Maga Republican 

“ It’s like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon just walks all over the board knocking over the pieces, shits all over the board and then it struts around like it’s won” 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Inertia Into Indifferentism + Syncretism initiated by Pope John Paul II

The day produced some extraordinary cultural encounters. For example, the Buddhists, led by the Dalai Lama, quickly converted the altar of the Church of San Pietro by placing a small statue of the Buddha atop the tabernacle and setting prayer scrolls and incense burners around it.

The Buddhists then turned their backs on the Blessed Sacrament left in a side chapel.

Many Catholics are blaming Bergoglio for his open support of Indifferentism/Syncretism but it did not start with him.

Pope John Paul II was the one who publicly initiated Catholics into Indifferentism/Syncretism with his Assisi abomination during which he placed all of the false religions on the same level as the One True Religion and he did this even though his predecessor had condemned syncretism.

Pope John Paul II claimed;

In this sense it can be said that religious freedom is a very important means of strengthening a people's moral integrity. Civil society can count on believers who, because of their deep convictions, will not only not succumb readily to dominating ideologies or trends but will endeavour to act in accordance with their aspirations to all that is true and right, an essential condition for securing peace (cf . Dignitatis Humanae, 8).

Well, that is embarrassing, isn't it? Had he never read The Koran?

Similarly, the followers of the various religions should, individually and collectively, express their convictions and organize their worship and all other specific activities with respect for the rights of those who do not belong to that religion or do not profess any creed.

Again, a monumental inanity, destructive of Christian Catholicism.  Jesus taught us Catholics how to Worship Him and we can't do it because animism?

Is this the reason The Holy Mass/Holy Holocaust was blowed-up, so as not to irk devil worshippers?

Lord Have Mercy, maybe.

Catholic Dictionary

SYNCRETISM. The effort to unite different doctrines and practices, especially in religion. Such unions or amalgams are part of cultural history and are typical of what has occurred in every segment of the non-Christian world. Syncretism is also applied to the ecumenical efforts among separated Christian churches and within Catholicism to the attempts made of combining the best elements of different theological schools. But in recent years the term mainly refers to misguided claims that religious unity can be achieved by ignoring the differences between faiths on the assumption that all creeds are essentially one and the same. (Etym. Greek synkrētizo, to unite disunited elements into a harmonious whole; from synkrētizmos, federation of Cretan cities.)

In his excellent book, Phoenix from the Ashes, Henry Siri observed (ppg. 385-388) 

As Mr. Sire accurately observes - Pope John Paul II is thought of as THE explicator of Vatican Two and what its meaning is and the meaning of Vatican Two is Indifferentism and Syncretism and a Papal Praxis  that is essentially no different that the philosophy and the praxis of Masonry:

1. That all men are good

2. That all men are at liberty to worship any God(s)       of their choice in the way they want to worship their God(s)

3. That Religious Liberty is a sign of unity amongst all of God's created beings

4. That Religious Liberty is the way to peace on earth

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Inertia Into Indifferentism

 The revolutionaries of Vatican Two overturned the then existing order and replaced it with a new order, a Novus Ordo.

Unless it is confronted, defeated and Tradition is restored the revolutionary decadent decay is like rust in that it will never sleep and it will continue to destroy valuable matter - like our Faith The Real Mass, Sacraments, Orders of priests, Orders of Religious etc etc

One can not reason with Revolutionaries. They must be defeated and sent to the peripheries, places where they are kept under surveillance and forbidden to exercise public ministry.

Bergoglio is the leader of the revolutionaries and he must be deposed of power for the crime of heresy and the fear of the prelature in confronting him will mean the restoration of Tradition will be further delayed.

Invisibilium within the Prelature is that Cleric whose puissant possession of Tradition is such that it could be applied as a force against our Inertia Into Indifferentism

Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday Fun

What is the one key that can open the treasury of  Marital Bliss?


Wives fake orgasms and Husbands fake an interest in Family reunions.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Pope Francis chooses his successor

Even though he Has created the majority of Cardinals eligible to vote in the Conclave, Jorge Bergoglio may not be willing to let that Conclave assemble to take a decision on the next Pope.

 No, he wants to preserve his legacy and ensure the chines he implemented remain.  There is one way he could make those changes permanent - 

He just might choose to name his successor before he retires to join Father Ratzinger in The Old Popes Home in Rome until the first Pope Emeritus dies and then Bergoglio can return to the slums in the peripheries of Argentina.

It may be difficult to predict just what his replacement/ retirement text may read but I suspect it may be something like the following - he will name a replacement to take effect the day after he retires at some future specific date,  prolly three months upon the release of the text.

Dear Brothers and Sisters. At this most propitious time I ask all of us to remember to bless the Holy Ghost who has brought us all of these most wonderful blessings beginning with my election to the Papacy so that, finally, we could bring to fruition all of the blessings provided for in the Second Vatican Council.

From our treating of the Church as a field hospital to venturing out into the peripheries to starting the Synodal process, all of these initiatives are proof that the people of God are being faithful to the surprises of the Holy Ghost and yet who has not heard the excessive negativity and complaints from the  Pharisees who are anxious, some even praying, for my death so they can try to politically manipulate the conclave to elect a Pope who will take us back to the Dark Ages?

We know who these Pharisees are and what they love; they  loved it when the Church persecuted and tortured Galileo; they loved it when the Church still had Capital punishment and services in Latin; they loved it when the Church excommunicated reformers like Martin Luther; they loved it when The Church persecuted our Protestant brothers and sisters and they especially loved it when they sent Crusading Armies into foreign lands to kill Muslims who just wanted Religious Liberty. 

We can not go back. We will not go back. In the earliest days of the Church, Popes picked their successors which kept politics out of the process and The Holy Ghost has told me what I must do to secure the blessings of Vatican Two and stay free of  the poisonous politics of The Pharisees and so today I am naming ( full in the blank) as my successor and he will become Pope the day after I retire three months from now on (fill in the blank.) and May Good Bless his beautiful, peaceful, and loving Church in which all are welcome.

We are supposed to have a preferential option for the pope so what sense does it make to have clerics paying for flights from all over Hell and Half of Georgia just so they can vote?

Stay home brothers, I will name my successor, and we can same time and money and, as I always like to say,  time is greater than space.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What if the real story of replacing our Offertory with a Jewish Meal Prayer is worse than we thought?

The Talmudic Touch:

"In the New Mass the Offertory was replaced by a formula from the Talmud, a classic of hate-literature directed against Jesus with an intensity and perversity perhaps never equaled."

by Craig Heimbichner

This article originally appeared in the March, 2004 issue of Catholic Family News, and back on line by request.

Many articles have been written about the objectionable changes to the Mass which culminated in the Novus Ordo Mass of Paul VI, and scarcely anything of substance can be added to the incisive Ottaviani Intervention or the exhaustive study of Michael Davies in his third volume of Liturgical Revolution. Even Cardinal Ratzinger is on record admitting the practical disaster of the liturgical reform. It is obvious to devout Catholics that the faithful have been submerged during the period of the New Mass in a swamp marked by non-attendance, widespread unbelief, immorality, irreverence, indifferentism, and compromise. Catholics have seen even their formerly orthodox leaders flailing in a quicksand of ambiguity. While the causes of this broad crisis cannot be solely attributed to the changes in the Mass, an important connection exists, since the rule lex credendi, lex orandi (we believe as we pray) remains vitally true. Yet one of the most subtle and blasphemous changes in the prayer of the Mass has been overlooked. We have been told that the Offertory was replaced by a "Jewish table blessing" -----a change objectionable enough for a host of reasons. But the reality is far worse: for the Offertory has been replaced by a prayer with no connection to the practices of the Old Testament Israelites, but rather which stems from Christ-rejecting Rabbis who agreed with the Sanhedrin that demanded His death. The astonishing truth is that in the New Mass, the Offertory, was replaced by a formula from the Talmud, a classic of hate-literature directed against Jesus with an intensity and perversity perhaps never equaled. 1 This sacrilege was slipped past the faithful without notice, and deserves exposure as yet one more reason to loudly demand the restoration of a liturgy which honors rather than blasphemes the One Who first said and instituted the Mass itself. 

The Offertory had long been a target of the enemies of Christ and His Church, since it clearly expresses the propitiatory content of the Sacrifice of Christ which is repeated in an unbloody manner in the Mass. The was the subject of a stern warning by Pope Pius XII in Mediator Dei, some of the pretended resurrection of early traditions was patently fraudulent. Nowhere is this more clearly evident than in the supposed revival of a "Jewish table blessing" from the days of the first Jewish converts to Christianity as a replacement for the Offertory. We are supposed to believe that this scrapping of the Offertory marks a return to the type of faith and liturgy of the earliest Church, and furthermore supposedly reminds us of our Jewish roots. 

All of these alleged reasons and explanations are simply lies, and their subversive nature is underscored by the fact that they succeeded where Luther failed in eliminating the Offertory which he hated. The lies behind this substitution are truly multiform. First, the Offertory was not replaced by a Jewish table blessing, but by a rabbinical blessing from the Talmud, as we will see below. Second, the Talmud was not written during the life of Christ or His Apostles, and could not have been reflective of anything in the early Church except the traditions of its first enemies. In fact, the Talmud was written in Babylon after the Rabbis had rejected the Messiah 
-----written in fact by Rabbis in full and venomous agreement with that rejection. Third, the Talmudic blessing is part of a list of "blessings" in the Talmud which also contains curses of Christians. Fourth, what we now know as Judaism-----the rabbinical swamp of blasphemy and paganism codified in the Talmud-----has no connection to the faith of the Old Testament, for it nullifies it (Matthew 15:1-9). Fifth, borrowing any prayer from the Talmud is arguably treason to Christ, for the Talmud-----burned by several astute Popes-----contains the most horrid blasphemies against both Jesus and Mary known to man, only a few of which we will quote for purposes of documentation. 

Before supporting these contentions, it is worth noting that the Second Vatican Council Fathers were all warned that covert forces of Judaism and Freemasonry were about to stage a "coup" at the Council, under the guise of a "brotherly reconciliation" and under the pretext of "bridge-building". This warning came in the form of a large and thoroughly documented tome entitled, The Plot Against the Church, penned by several authors under the pseudonym Maurice Pinay. One of the actual authors was Fr. Saenz y Arriaga, later the subject of a questionable excommunication following his exposure of the public wearing of the Jewish Ephod of Caiaphas by Paul VI
-----an emblem replete with Masonic as well as rabbinical symbolism. 

It should also be emphasized that the architect of the New Mass, Archbishop Annibale Bugnini, has been well exposed as a secret Freemason. A raid of an Italian Lodge in 1976 revealed a roster of high-ranking Vatican prelates, their dates of initiation into Freemasonry, and even their code-names. Bugnini entered the Brotherhood on April 23, 1963. His code-name was Buan. 2 

Several Popes had condemned Freemasonry, beginning with Clement XII in 1738, and for good reason. The conspiratorial intent of Freemasonry was not only indicated by its grisly oaths of blind obedience to superiors under pain of assassination
-----carried out in the famous William Morgan case 3-----but also in the upper degrees such as the Judaic Kadosh 4 degree, wherein a mock crown and mock papal tiara are stabbed in an unmistakable symbolic attack against Church and State (this degree is the 30th in the worldwide Scottish Rite today). 5 In addition, the common Royal Arch Degree, considered a completion of the Third or Master Mason Degree, contains an invocation "for the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular". 6 Hence Freemasonry as an institution is clearly pledged to fight against the Church and the well-ordered State, and to serve the interests of Judaism as embodied in the Talmud. For these grave reasons several Popes recognized the threat posed by this subversive secret society and censured it in the strongest possible terms. 7 

Nevertheless, Masons bored from within, in accordance with their own plans which had been exposed by Monsignor Dillon in 1884 and published by Pope Leo XIII one year later at his own expense
-----after the Pope had himself written Humanum Genus, the most expansive papal condemnation of Freemasonry ever penned. 8 One of the ensuing Masonic triumphs against the Church was clearly the wreckage of the liturgy, led by one of their own members, as we have seen. The hallmarks of treachery are apparent to those with eyes to see and a sensus Catholicus and need no recapitulation here. But this background of anti-Christian subversion and intrigue needs to be stressed to understand the truly blasphemous substitution of the Offertory with a nearly verbatim passage from the masters to whom the Masonic institution is pledged in service as evidenced in the Royal Arch Degree referenced above. 

A modern myth is that this "Jewish table blessing" has its roots in worship from the time of Ezra. Searching the Bible should reveal that this story is absent from the pages of Holy Writ. Where, then, does it originate? The Jewish Encyclopedia 9(published 1901-1906, consisting of twelve volumes) tells us, in its article on Benedictions, that this story of the origin of "blessings" in Judaism is a "rabbinical tradition" in the Talmud itself-----in Berakoth 33a, as indeed it is. As a source of history, however, the Talmud should as a rule be rejected
-----just as one should reject the Talmudic stories that the Blessed Virgin Mary was a "harlot" (Sanhedrin l06a), that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden (Yebamoth 63a), that Jesus "learned witchcraft in Egypt" 
-----(Shabbos l04b), or that Jesus is in Hell being boiled in "hot excrement" (Gittin 57a). One must emphasize that these passages and many others, long denied by Rabbis, have been included in the most recent and authoritative translation of the Talmud-----several volumes of which are still in production-----rendered by the noted Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Rabbi Steinsaltz comments on prior truncated and censored versions of the Talmud: "Wherever the Talmud makes derogatory reference to Jesus or to Christianity in general, the comment was completely erased, and the name of Christ was systematically removed 
. . . " 10 

In The Essential Talmud, Rabbi Steinsaltz writes of the supreme importance of the Babylonian Talmud: "Babylonian scholars were soon attracted to the new center and thousands of disciples flocked to study there." 11 What Christ condemned as "the traditions of the elders" (Mark 7:1-13), Rabbi Steinsaltz calls the "oral law," stating that "the work of preserving and codifying the vast body of oral law went on for several generations . . . " 12 This oral law was eventually written down as the Talmud, the most important and authoritative version being the lengthy Babylonian Talmud. Rabbi Steinsaltz traces the gradual development and redaction of the Babylonian Talmud, commenting that "the natural authorities best equipped to clarify problems were the heads of the great Babylonian academies of Sura and Pumbedita". Their authority was unquestioned, and consequently the Talmud assumed the greatest possible importance, eclipsing the Old Testament as the central text of Judaism: "Historically speaking," writes Rabbi Steinsaltz, "the Talmud is the central pillar of Jewish culture" 
13-----note: the Talmud, not the Old Testament. From the redacted Talmudic oral traditions, which Christ denounced as a special mark of the Pharisees and Scribes, came what we know today to be Judaism. And it is from this false religion, premised on the rejection of Jesus, that the replacement of the Offertory in the Mass was culled. 

Some might respond that Judaism is not a different religion, but merely an earlier "phase" of the covenant now called Christianity, 14 with prayers which after all are directed to the same God. In response to this completely false characterization
-----confusing as it does the faith of the Israelites with the corruptions of the Pharisees, already well-entrenched in the time of Christ-----I will quote a Doctor of the Church universally neglected today. St. John Chrysostom responds incisively: "But at any rate the Jews say that they, too, adore God. God forbid that I say that. No Jew adores God! Who says so? The Son of God says so. For He said, 'If you were to know My Father, you would also know Me. But you neither know Me nor do you know My Father.' Could I produce a witness more trustworthy than the Son of God?" 15 

The true origin of the so-called "Jewish table blessing" is by all evidence the Talmud itself, since absent any other testimony one cannot attribute an authentic Old Testament origin to the practices of those who freely invented so many objectionable traditions that Christ Himself condemned them on several occasions (Mark 7:1-13; Matthew 15:1-9; Matthew 23:25-26). Hence in the Jewish Encyclopedia explanation of "Benedictions," we find that "in the course of time all these benedictions assumed a stereotyped form; and the rule is given by Rab that, to be regarded as a regular benediction (Ber. 40b), every benediction must contain the name of God, and by R. Johanan that it must contain the attribute of God's kingship." In other words, the Talmud and its rabbinical authors dictated the form of the blessing in Judaism which we later find brazenly imported into the New Mass by Bugnini's committee. 

By the time of Vatican II, of course, the voices crying out for "peace with Judaism" were strong. A new "appreciation" of Judaism was underway in the Church, culminating in the decree of Nostra Aetate that the Jews did not kill Jesus. 16 Flogged by the whip of the Holocaust, the Church was on the run and trying to prove its sympathy for synagogues. If only Paul VI, in reviewing this audacious "swap" in the Mass, had heeded the strong exhortation of St. John Chrysostom: "Since there are some who think of the synagogue as a holy place, I must say a few words to them. Why do you reverence that place? Must you not despise it, hold it in abomination, run away from it? They answer that the Law and the books of the prophets are kept there. What is this? Will any place where these books are be a holy place? By no means! This is the reason above all others why I hate the synagogue and abhor it. They have the prophets but do not believe them; they read the the sacred writings but reject their witness
-----and this is a mark of men guilty of the greatest outrage." 17 But the advice of this Doctor of the Church was not only ignored, one could say it has been the target of a papal apology actually given within the Synagogue of Rome on April 13, 1986. 18 

The source of the replacement for the Offertory is clarified in the Jewish Encyclopedia, which introduces a list of "benedictions prescribed in the Talmud and adopted in the liturgy; each of them beginning with the formula 'Blessed art Thou, O Lord, Our God, King of the Universe'!" Although the liturgy of Judaism is intended in the above reference, ironically this Talmudic benediction became repeated almost verbatim in the New Mass, But of even greater irony is the fact that in this instance the Latin is closer in form to the Talmud than the English translation done by the ICEL: for the Latin reads, Benedictus es, Domine, Deus universi, which translated literally becomes Blessed are You, Lord, God of the universe, whereas the common translation one encounters is Blessed are You, Lord God of all creation. The difference is small, but the Latin more explicitly parallels the Talmud, Tragically, those who hope for a "purification" of the New Mass by rendering it in Latin would only render the blasphemous parallel between the Offertory's replacement and the Talmud more exact.
As One reads the Talmud and the Jewish Encyclopedia, it becomes apparent that this formula extends to all benedictions, not merely to table blessings. By the 2nd Century, states the Jewish Encyclopedia, "they were already fixed as to form and number, since R. Me
ïr declares it to be the duty of everyone to say one hundred benedictions daily . . . " These "benedictions" include reciting a "blessing" after vacating one's bowels ("who has formed man in wisdom and created many orifices . . . "), thanking God for not making one a Gentile, and thanking God "who hast not made me a woman." 

The basic structure of benedictions was eventually crystallized into eighteen. Rabbi Steinsaltz comments, "The Great Assembly . . . decided to compose a standard prayer reflecting the wishes and aspirations of the entire people. It was composed of eighteen benedictions, each dealing in brief with one subject. This prayer, most of which has survived to the present-day and still constitutes the basis of the synagogue service, consists of three opening benedictions, three closing benedictions, and twelve intermediate ones containing various requests and supplications." 19 Of particular note, however, is the fact that the daily "blessings" of Judaism contain a curse against Christians. As Professor Israel Shahak of 
Hebrew University tells us, "in the most important section of the weekday prayer-----the 'eighteen blessings'
there is a special curse, originally directed against Christians, Jewish converts to Christianity and other Jewish heretics: 'And may the apostates have no hope, and all the Christians perish instantly.' 20" Rabbi Steinsaltz comments, "One of the alterations introduced into the service shortly after the destruction [of the Second Temple] was not, however, connected to the Temple itself but to the problem of the heretic, Gnostic and Christian sects . . . Matters reached such a pass that the Sanhedrin sages at Yavneh decided to add to the Shemoneh Esreh an additional benediction (which is in fact a curse) on heretics 21 . . ." One can see that the prayer-form in the New Mass was used not only for table and even bathroom "blessings" but also to introduce curses of Christians, as even hesitantly admitted by Rabbi Steinsaltz. 

Such is the chill-inducing context of the source of the prayer which replaced the Offertory in the New Mass. Let us be frank: the context is nothing short of blasphemy and sacrilege, for the Talmud and its authors were filled with hatred and curses
-----verifiable today in the Steinsaltz Talmud-----against Christ and Christians. 22 The fact that the version of the prayer present in the New Mass is not overtly blasphemous is no more defense of its inclusion than would be the liturgical importing of an innocent-sounding passage from Satanist Meister Crowley's Book of the Law 23 in the name of reaching out to the "misguided" or "connecting with those who have a Seed of the Word however obscure." Let us sweep aside such transparent hogwash and call a spade a spade, a blasphemy a blasphemy, and loudly and persistently demand of Rome the full restoration of what is ours by right: a Mass not born in treason and marked by sacrilege. 

For the Council Fathers were duly warned
-----as was Paul VI. To quote from the book handed to each bishop at the Second Vatican Council, "The most infamous conspiracy is in progress against the Church. Her enemies are working to destroy the most holy traditions and thus to introduce dangerous and evil-intended reforms . . . They manifest a hypocritical zeal to modernize the Church and to adapt it to the present-day situation; but in reality they conceal the secret intention of opening the gates . . . to prepare the further destruction of Christianity. All this it is intended to put into effect at the coming Vatican Council. We have proofs of how everything is being planned in secret agreement . . . " 24 But today we do not need proof of treasonous planning, for we can see the results in the implementation of the 
post-conciliar reforms
-----including the reform of the liturgy. And nowhere is the hand of an enemy more clearly apparent than in the replacement of the Offertory with words which are a hallmark of a different religion, reproduced from the premier anti-Christian text in the broad history of human resistance to grace. 

Craig Heimbichner is a convert and recognized expert on Freemasonry and the occult. A speaker and writer, he is available to discuss the dangers of the occult and its influence are today. He may be reached in care of Catholic Family News. 

1. For this reason the Talmud was ordered burned by Innocent IV in Bulle Impia Judeorum Perfidia, and later again by several Popes. 
2. The facts were related in a September 12, 1978 article in Osservatore Politico in Rome, Italy entitled La gran loggia vaticana. The author reportedly died after printing the list of prelates. 
3. Captain William Morgan, a Royal Arch Freemason, published the Masonic rituals and secret oaths in 1827. He was kidnapped and murdered by fellow Masons, an event which led to the original third political party in the United States: the Anti-Mason Party. 
4. Hebrew for "holy" or "consecrated." 
5. See Secret Societies Illustrated, published by Masonic publisher Ezra A. Cook Publications, Inc., p. 123. 
6. Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor, Malcolm C. Duncan, p. 249. 
7. The excommunication of Freemasons was removed from the 1983 Code of Canon Law, although Cardinal Ratzinger subsequently clarified on November 26, 1983 that membership is a "grave sin" which excludes one from lawful reception of Holy Communion. One wonders, however, why the explicit canonical ban was removed. It is certainly true that many Catholics heard of this change and joined Masonic Lodges. 
8. The reader is referred to the excellent summary of these documents by John Vennari, The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita: A Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church, (TAN Books and Publishers, Inc.) Available from Catholic Family News, $4.00US postpaid. 
9. Available online at www. 
10. Adin Steinsaltz, The Essential Talmud, p. 84. 
11. Adin Steinsaltz, Ibid., p. 43. 
12. Steinsaltz, Ibid., p. 41. 
13. Ibid., p. 266. 
14. The unbiblical and unCatholic premise of Cardinal Ratzinger's work, Many Religions-----One Covenant: Israel, the Church and the World, Ignatius Press, 1999. 
15. St. John Chrysostom, Discourse on Judaizing Christians, III (2). 
16. The day this was decreed, St. Simon of Trent was removed from the Roman Calendar-----the child Martyr who had been killed by Jews on Good Friday out of hatred of Christ. 
17. St. John Chrysostom, Ibid., V (2). 
18. John Paul II was directly confronted on this occasion with the burning of the Talmud by his predecessors. His response was to apologize for "the acts of discrimination, unjustified limitation of religious freedom . . . in regard to the Jews . . . by anyone," and he added,"I repeat, by anyone." See Luigi Accattoli, Man of the Millennium: John Paul II, pp. 139-40. If John Paul II included prior Popes in his apology, by clear implication he included St. John Chrysostom, who was famous for his fiery denunciation of Talmudic poison. 
19. Adin Steinsaltz, Ibid., pp. 101-102. 
20. Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, p. 63. 
21. Adin Steinsaltz, Ibid., p. 105. 
22. An excellent summary of these passages can be obtained in the concise reference work Judaism's Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II. 
23. For example, would a neo-Catholic object to the phrase, "There is no bond that can unite the divided but love"? Innocent enough in itself, it is a quotation from the odious Masonic Book of the Lawof Crowley, which,liketheTalmud, contains blasphemy against Jesus and Mary. If one finds a quote from Crowley objectionable-----as one should
the objection holds a fortiori against the Rabbis who lived closer to the time of Christ, and yet denigrated Him with even worse blasphemy in the Talmud. 
24. Maurice Pinay, The Plot Against the Church, p. 15.