Sunday, October 23, 2022

The Inertia Into Indifferentism + Syncretism initiated by Pope John Paul II

The day produced some extraordinary cultural encounters. For example, the Buddhists, led by the Dalai Lama, quickly converted the altar of the Church of San Pietro by placing a small statue of the Buddha atop the tabernacle and setting prayer scrolls and incense burners around it.

The Buddhists then turned their backs on the Blessed Sacrament left in a side chapel.

Many Catholics are blaming Bergoglio for his open support of Indifferentism/Syncretism but it did not start with him.

Pope John Paul II was the one who publicly initiated Catholics into Indifferentism/Syncretism with his Assisi abomination during which he placed all of the false religions on the same level as the One True Religion and he did this even though his predecessor had condemned syncretism.

Pope John Paul II claimed;

In this sense it can be said that religious freedom is a very important means of strengthening a people's moral integrity. Civil society can count on believers who, because of their deep convictions, will not only not succumb readily to dominating ideologies or trends but will endeavour to act in accordance with their aspirations to all that is true and right, an essential condition for securing peace (cf . Dignitatis Humanae, 8).

Well, that is embarrassing, isn't it? Had he never read The Koran?

Similarly, the followers of the various religions should, individually and collectively, express their convictions and organize their worship and all other specific activities with respect for the rights of those who do not belong to that religion or do not profess any creed.

Again, a monumental inanity, destructive of Christian Catholicism.  Jesus taught us Catholics how to Worship Him and we can't do it because animism?

Is this the reason The Holy Mass/Holy Holocaust was blowed-up, so as not to irk devil worshippers?

Lord Have Mercy, maybe.

Catholic Dictionary

SYNCRETISM. The effort to unite different doctrines and practices, especially in religion. Such unions or amalgams are part of cultural history and are typical of what has occurred in every segment of the non-Christian world. Syncretism is also applied to the ecumenical efforts among separated Christian churches and within Catholicism to the attempts made of combining the best elements of different theological schools. But in recent years the term mainly refers to misguided claims that religious unity can be achieved by ignoring the differences between faiths on the assumption that all creeds are essentially one and the same. (Etym. Greek synkrÄ“tizo, to unite disunited elements into a harmonious whole; from synkrÄ“tizmos, federation of Cretan cities.)

In his excellent book, Phoenix from the Ashes, Henry Siri observed (ppg. 385-388) 

As Mr. Sire accurately observes - Pope John Paul II is thought of as THE explicator of Vatican Two and what its meaning is and the meaning of Vatican Two is Indifferentism and Syncretism and a Papal Praxis  that is essentially no different that the philosophy and the praxis of Masonry:

1. That all men are good

2. That all men are at liberty to worship any God(s)       of their choice in the way they want to worship their God(s)

3. That Religious Liberty is a sign of unity amongst all of God's created beings

4. That Religious Liberty is the way to peace on earth

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