Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Vaccine Passports and a demented domestic dictator.

 Americans are forever being harangued about our sacred democracy but who voted for this?

  • The G20, a group of 19 nations — including the U.S. — plus the European Union, recently held their annual business meeting (B20) in Bali, Indonesia, where they declared that a digital vaccine passport, standardized by the World Health Organization, will be part of international pandemic prevention and response moving forward
  • The rule for standardized international vaccine passports will be introduced as a revision to the international health regulations during the next World Health Assembly in Geneva
  • The G20 recommendations also include the creation of guidelines for a globally coordinated response to crises, “enhanced by a technology-enabled ‘always-on’ global health infrastructure,” and a mutual recognition of COVID-19 vaccines made by G20 members
  • President Biden signed the declaration despite the promises made by his White House COVID-19 Response Team leader, Jeff Zients, who in April 2021 stated, "Let me be clear that the government is not now, nor will we be supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a [vaccination] credential”
  • The fact that the COVID shots do not prevent spread of infection has now been established many times over. This alone proves that vaccine passports are not for the purpose of containing epidemics. An international vaccine passport is the gateway to complete totalitarian control, because the entire control grid around a person gets tied together by it
 - Doctor Mercola

Ecclesiasticus 20 anticipated demented despots like Biden:

A lie is a foul blot in a man, and yet it will be continually in the mouth of men without discipline. [27] A thief is better than a man that is always lying: but both of them shall inherit destruction. [28] The manners of lying men are without honour: and their confusion is with them without ceasing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Yay Conquistadors

I like the's a catchy tune, its easy to dancer to and it has interesting lyrics that are completely opposed to reality. But it was the1960s, so..

Monday, November 28, 2022

The U.S. media vs everyone who rejects their perversions


What a shameful performance. Why is she asking about sexual perversions rather than soccer?

She is gay and so is all the Jewish run media of Clown world.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Papal authority according to Pope Innocent III.


The Triregnum (the Papal Tiara formed by three crowns symbolizing the triple power of the Pope: father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ) from the XVIII Century, with which the bronze statue of Saint Peter is crowned every June 29th, the feast day of the Saint.

Use of the Tiara, a ritual during solemn ceremonies, was abandoned during the Papacy of Paul VI.

The Tiara is a headdress ending in an ogive and made of silver, and during the times of Boniface VIII two crowns were added, and from 1314 three crowns (the reason it is called the triregnum), topped by a small globe with a golden cross.

Among the various interpretations, we shall mention the one that says that the three crowns represent the militant, the suffering and the triumphant Church.

The shape of the Triregnum varied throughout the years. We may find it represented as more or less rounded, in some cases without the globe and the cross. At times there is a modified position of the ribbons (two ribbons with a patent cross hanging).

Pope Paul VI

Apostolic Constitution on the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff

Paul, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God for Perpetual Remembrance

92. Finally, the Pontiff will be crowned by the Senior Cardinal Deacon, and, within an appropriate time, will take possession of the Patriarchal Archbasilica of the Lateran, according to the ritual prescribed.

All these things we lay down and prescribe after careful and mature reflection; and, declaring abrogated, as provided for above, the Apostolic Constitutions and Orders issued in this regard by the Roman Pontiffs, we wish this Consitution of ours to have full effect now and in the future, in such a way that everything that has been described and laid down therein should be religiously observed by all concerned and therefore should come into force, notwithstanding whatsoever disposition to the contrary, even though worthy of very special mention. If anyone therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, should act in a manner different from what we have prescribed, we order that such action is to be considered null and void.

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on the first day of the month of October in the year 1975 the thirteenth of our Pontificate.

St. Peter's Square
Sunday, 22 October 1978

3. Today the new Bishop of Rome solemnly begins his ministry and the mission of Peter. In this city, in fact, Peter completed and fulfilled the mission entrusted to him by the Lord…

4. In past centuries, when the Successor of Peter took possession of his See, the triregnum or tiara was placed on his head. The last Pope to be crowned was Paul VI in 1963, but after the solemn coronation ceremony he never used the tiara again and left his Successors free to decide in this regard.

Pope John Paul I, whose memory is so vivid in our hearts, did not wish to have the tiara; nor does his Successor wish it today. This is not the time to return to a ceremony and an object considered, wrongly, to be a symbol of the temporal power of the Popes.

Our time calls us, urges us, obliges us to gaze on the Lord and immerse ourselves in humble and devout meditation on the mystery of the supreme power of Christ himself.

He who was born of the Virgin Mary, the carpenter's Son (as he was thought to be), the Son of the living God (confessed by Peter), came to make us all "a kingdom of priests”.

The Second Vatican Council has reminded us of the mystery of this power and of the fact that Christ's mission as Priest, Prophet-Teacher and King continues in the Church. Everyone, the whole People of God, shares in this threefold mission. Perhaps in the past, the tiara, this triple crown, was placed on the Pope's head in order to express by that symbol the Lord's plan for his Church, namely that all the hierarchical order of Christ's Church, all "sacred power" exercised in the Church, is nothing other than service, service with a single purpose: to ensure that the whole People of God shares in this threefold mission of Christ and always remains under the power of the Lord; a power that has its source not in the powers of this world but in the mystery of the Cross and Resurrection.

 6. I thank all of you here present who have wished to participate in this solemn inauguration of the ministry of the new Successor of Peter…
And I also appeal to all men—to every man (and with what veneration the apostle of Christ must utter this word: "man"!) 

— pray for me! 
— help me to be able to serve you! Amen.

Modern Popes are humbler than Jesus.

Jesus let His enemies crown Him whereas modern Popes will not even let their friends crown them.

Jesus let His enemies mock Him whereas modern Popes will not let their own selves be crowned owing to what the Triregnum signifies - their AUTHORITY over Presidents, Kings, and the various other miscreants and malign men wielding power - for modern Popes wish to be loved (Pope Paul VI to the roman clergy explaining why he would not use discipline) and they will not do anything that might result in them being mocked; you know, such as teaching the The One True Holy Romna Catholic and Apostolic Church is the ONLY TRUE Church outside of which there is neither Salvation or Sanctification.

The whole Vicar of Christ role has been largely reformed so as not to anger those who hate Jesus Christ and reject His authority and commandments.

Fear of man?  Yes.

Fear of God?  

...for the empire itself Innocent had the strongest regard. He held it necessary for the security of mankind (which is why Jews and Protestants were in league against the Catholic Church). A human institution of a usefulness beyond account….It was the pope who transferred the empire from the Greeks (when Charlemagne was crowned). Empire and papacy should be in harmony – as the two cherubim faced each other with wings conjoined over the mercy seat…the two great lights which God set in the firmament of heaven, the greater light (the papacy) to rule the day, the lesser light (the empire) to rule the night. ‘ Empire and papacy were the two swords of the Apostles – ‘ behold here are two swords.’ (Luke xxii, 38)

In the choice twixt a Hohenstauten (Philip) and Otto the Pope rightly wanted Otto so the Empire would not be the property of one family…(Innoent carefully explained that he was not exercising temporal authority but only indicating the right choice)…

” No King could rightly reign unless he devoutly served Christ’s vicar” for “kings but rule over their respective kingdoms while the pope rules over the whole world.

But Innocent does not say a king may not lawfully reign if he is anti-papal; he cannot rightfully reign…But he will not reign rightly or justly unless, crowned by the pope, he serves as emperor of the pope in things temporal for the promotion of things spiritual and eternal.

Pope Innocent is right. Modern Popes are wrong because novelty

Pope Innocent III, The  Sources of Catholic Dogma

Profession of Faith Prescribed for Durand of Osca and His

Waldensian Companions* 

[From the letter "Fitts exemplo" to the Archbishop of

Terraco, Dec. 18, 1208]

  420  By the heart we believe, by faith we understand, by the mouth we confess, and by simple words we affirm that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are three Persons, one God, and entire Trinity, co-essential and consubstantial and co-eternal and omnipotent, and each single Person in the Trinity complete God as is contained in "Credo in Deum, " [see n. 2] in "Credo in unum Deum" [see n. 86], and in "Quicumque vult" [see n. 39 ].

421  By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess that the Father also and the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God, concerning whom we are speaking, is the creator, the maker, the ruler, and the dispenser of all things corporal and spiritual, visible and invisible. We believe that God is the one and same author of the Old and the New Testament, who existing in the Trinity, as it is said, created all things from nothing; and that John the Baptist, sent by Him, was holy and just, and in the womb of his mother was filled with the Holy Spirit.

422  By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess that the Incarnation of the Divinity took place neither in the Father, nor in the Holy Spirit, but in the Son only; so that He who was in the Divinity the Son of God the Father, true God from the Father, was in the humanity the son of man, true man from a mother, having true flesh from the womb of his mother and a human rational soul; at the same time of each nature, that is God and man, one Person, one Son, one Christ, one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit, the author and ruler of all, born from the Virgin Mary in a true birth of the flesh; He ate and drank, He slept and, tired out from a journey, He rested, He suffered in the true passion of His flesh; He died in the true death of His body, and He arose again in the true resurrection of His flesh and in the true restoration of His soul to the body in which, after He ate and drank, He ascended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the Father, and in the same will come to judge the living and the dead.

423  By the heart we believe and by the mouth we confess the one Church, not of heretics but the Holy Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic (Church) outside which we believe that no one is saved.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Mass Immigration?

[36] Receive a stranger in, and he shall overthrow thee with a whirlwind, and shall turn thee out of thy own. 


Chapter 11



Thursday, November 24, 2022

SSPX still lying about The Hawaii Six after all these years


The Hawaii Six Case claims are a serious propagandistic mistake. Are the claims accidental (a misunderstanding) or intentional (propaganda meant to deceive)?

Frankly, I have known for more than a score of years that the claim is absurd and indefensible and I  have written to the SSPX about the claims and they have never responded.

The Lawyer who argued successfully against the excommunications is a board member of Catholics United for The Faith and I met him when he came to advise our Trad Study Group in Portland, Maine.

He did not argue anything having to do with The SSPX:

The SSPX cite the 1991 “Hawaii Six” case as evidence that those adhering to the Society are not really excommunicated. This case regarded six individuals who were excommunicated by Bishop Joseph Ferrario of Honolulu for participating in unauthorized Tridentine Masses. The Masses were not held in a chapel administered by the SSPX, although priests of the Society sometimes celebrated Mass there. The excommunications were not upheld by Rome because participating in an unauthorized Mass, while a grave matter, is not in itself a schismatic act according to canon law. (Archbishop LeFebvre himself was suspended from priestly functions in July 1976 after he disobediently ordained priests against a direct papal order. Yet the Holy See did not excommunicate him for celebrating unauthorized Masses thereafter. It was only after Archbishop LeFebvre’s unauthorized ordination of bishops that Rome excommunicated him.) The six individuals in the “Hawaii Six” case were represented canonically by CUF Advisory Board Member Chuck Wilson of the St. Joseph Foundation based in San Antonio, TX. Mr. Wilson affirms that this case does not support the SSPX’s position because the chapel where the Masses were held was not administered by the Society and the persons involved did not belong to the SSPX.

This lying propaganda seriously undermines the putative truthfulness of The SSPX and its claim it stands for Tradition.

Just as I was about to post this, I remembered a source about The SSPX which looked at their claims dispassionately and The SSPX came out looking like the problematic and protestant-tinged private judgment group they still remain after all of these years:

III - Analyzing the Hawaii 6 Incident and Cardinal Ratzinger's Decision:

This was recently shown to be the case in Hawaii, where Bishop Ferrario decided to excommunicate, on May 1, 1991, some followers of the Society of Saint Pius X, for supporting the Society and attending its Masses. Rome declared that the decision "lacks foundation and hence validity." Bishop Ferrario's attempted excommunication of Society followers was overturned by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on June 28, 1993. "From the examination of the case, conducted on the basis of the Law of the Church, it did not result that the facts referred to in the above-mentioned Decree, are formal schismatic acts in the strict sense, as they do not constitute the offence of schism; and therefore the Congregation holds that the Decree of 1 May 1991, lacks foundation and hence validity." (Apostolic Nunciature, Washington D.C.)

Cardinal Ratzinger's decision in no way lends credence to the SSPX's assertions. (Nor did it have any bearing whatsoever on their canonical status.) 

The excommunication of "the Hawaii 6" was over a radio program that the attendees had set up which was anti Vatican II, and anti — Revised Missal (Pauline or Novus Ordo Mass), critical of the local ordinary, and other aspects. The exact parameters were not precisely known to this author when he originally wrote his treatise. In revising the work in December of 2000, the information was still somewhat fuzzy so it was again passed over. However, this writer has come across additional material that shines light on this subject - including an interesting statement from the St. Joseph's Foundation where they noted that they "assisted in defending the 'Hawaii Six'". Their spokesman stated that "I can say that the status of the Society was not at issue in that case. What was at issue was the conduct of the defendants which, while admittedly blameworthy in some respects, did not constitute schism".

That the SSPX uses this in the pamphlet without giving the details behind the reason for Bishop Ferrario's excommunications and the rationale behind Cardinal Ratzinger's overturning of the excommunications is something very unsettling right off the bat. It seems to indicate that the SSPX is not interested in displaying the facts as they really are but is interested in anything that might remotely support their position. So right off the bat we have them bearing false witness against Cardinal Ratzinger.

Sadly, tragically, stupidly, The SSPX is STILL using this long-discredited lying propaganda as a way to deceive its devotees and keep the filthy lucre rolling in.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Remember the first synod of Paul VI. This is what really happens in a synod.

An Experimental Mass at the Synod of 1967

The new Mass in its completed structure was presented to some 180 cardinals and bishops in a Synod at the Vatican in 1967. This first postconciliar Synod was to deal with several topics: the revision of the code of canon law, doctrinal questions, and the liturgical reform. On October 21, Cardinal Lercaro presented the assembled cardinals and bishops with a report describing the new structure of the Mass and the changes introduced into it, as well as the reform of the Divine Office. On October 24, Fr Bugnini celebrated a “normative” Mass before the Synod Fathers in the Sistine chapel. Paul VI did not attend this celebration because of an “indisposition,” however.

Besides the changes that were already in force since the 1964 and 1967 Instructions (Mass celebrated facing the people in Italian including the Canon, fewer genuflections and signs of the cross, etc.), the “normative” Mass that Fr Bugnini celebrated with a large choir added other new elements: a longer Liturgy of the Word (three readings total), a transformed Offertory, a new Eucharistic Prayer (the third), and a great number of hymns.

During the four general congregations devoted to the liturgy (October 21–25), cardinals and bishops made many comments on this “normative” Mass and on the liturgical reform in general. All told, sixty-three cardinals, bishops, and religious superiors general commented on the subject and a further nineteen submitted written comments. There was a diversity of opinion. “Of sixty-three orators,” Fr Caprile reported, “thirty-six explicitly expressed, in the warmest, most enthusiastic, and unreserved terms,” their agreement with the reform underway and its results. Some bishops even wanted further changes, such as the possibility of receiving communion in the hand, that of using ordinary bread for communion, and the preparation of a specific Mass for youth, etc.

Yet the general tone was more prudent, if not reserved or even critical. The English-speaking bishops met at the English College to define a common position on the “normative” Mass. On October 25, at the Synod, Cardinal Heenan, Archbishop of Westminster, took the floor to accuse the Consilium of technicism and intellectualism and to blame it for lacking pastoral sense. More significant yet, in the sense that they came from the highest authority in the Church after the pope, were the words of Cardinal Cicognani, Secretary of State, who on the very same day asked for an end to liturgical changes “lest the faithful be confused.”

Twice during the debates on the liturgy, the participants were invited to express their opinion through a vote. On October 25, they answered four questions that Paul VI had specifically posed: on the three new Eucharistic Prayers, on two changes in the formula of consecration, and on the possibility of replacing the Niceno-Constantinopolitan creed with the Apostles’ Creed. Eight more questions were posed on October 27, particularly on the normative Mass and on the Divine Office draft.

Leaving aside a detailed analysis of these twelve votes, it is noteworthy that for half of them (two out of the pope’s four questions and four out of eight of the remainder), the required two-thirds majority was not reached. There were 187 voters; the two-thirds majority was therefore 124. For some of the votes, the tally was far from it, with the non placet (nays) and placet juxta modum (approval on condition of modifications) having a broad margin. For example, regarding the suppression of the phrase Mysterium fidei in the consecration formula, there were only 93 placet. More spectacular yet was the refusal to give unreserved approval to the general structure of the normative Mass: 71 placet; 43 non placet; 62 placet juxta modum; 4 abstentions.

A few months later Fr Bugnini acknowledged to Consilium consultors and members that “the response of the bishops was not unanimous. The votes in the Synod went to some extent contrary to what the Consilium wanted [contro il ‘Consilium’].”

OK, that is a wry and funny (if deceitful) comment by The Bugman Bugnini but the upshot is there was no collegiality and Pope Paul VI shoved his crummy Lil' Licit Liturgy down our throats and forbade us to worship as uncountable numbers of our Fathers and their Fathers and their Fathers etc etc etc did.

Bergoglio loves Paul VI and Vatican Two and so what do you think he may do vis a vis this synod that is supposedly listening to you?


Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Accompany Sinners?


Douay-Rheims Bible


Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)

Chapter 5

We must not presume of our wealth or strength: nor of the mercy of God, to go on in sin: we must be steadfast in virtue and truth.

[1] Set not thy heart upon unjust possessions, and say not: I have enough to live on: for it shall be of no service in the time of vengeance and darkness. [2] Follow not in thy strength the desires of thy heart: [3] And say not: How mighty am I? and who shall bring me under for my deeds? for God will surely take revenge. [4] Say not: I have sinned, and what harm hath befallen me? for the most High is a patient rewarder. [5] Be not without fear about sin forgiven, and add not sin upon sin: 

[6] And say not: The mercy of the Lord is great, he will have mercy on the multitude of my sins. [7] For mercy and wrath quickly come from him, and his wrath looketh upon sinners. [8] Delay not to be converted to the Lord, and defer it not from day to day. [9] For his wrath shall come on a sudden, and in the time of vengeance he will destroy thee. [10] Be not anxious for goods unjustly gotten: for they shall not profit thee in the day of calamity and revenge.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Aggiornamento -> Destruction


"I want to throw open the windows of the Church so that we can see out and the people can see in." Pope John XXIII

Aggiornamento literally meaning "bringing up to date," was one of the key words used during Vatican II.  It was used to mean a spirit of change and open-mindedness. It was the name given to the pontifical program of Pope John XXIII in a speech he gave on January 25, 1959.  The conciliar document most often associated with the term is Gaudium et Spes. 

Before Vatican Two nobody had ever been inside Saint Peter's Basilica ?

Before Vatican Two no Prelate, Priest, or religious had ever been outside of Saint Peter's?

What ever did he mean?

Whatever he meant we saw the result of this opening to the world - devastation and destruction.

Maybe if the V2 revolutionaries has spent more time contemplating the teaching of Saint James in his epistle:

Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one's self unspotted from this world. 

Epistle of St James, Chapter 1

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Maronite Rite and its hymn of Sanctification

 Me and The Bride will be singing this today at Mary Mother of The Light Church in Tequesta, Florida.

You have united, O Lord,
your divinity with our humanity
and our humanity with your divinity;
your life with our mortality
and our mortality with your life.
You have assumed what is ours,
and you have given us what is yours,
for the life and salvation of our souls.
To you, O Lord, be glory forever.

 From The Maronite Divine Liturgy

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Pope's Paper on The Jewish Question.


“One hundred years after the French Revolution, the editors of Civiltà Cattolica, the official voice of the Vatican on political affairs, came to a startling conclusion: any country which turns away from laws based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and God’s eternal law will end up being ruled by Jews. These three articles, originally published over the fall of 1890, explain in detail why this is so, for both France in 1890 and America today.

E. Michael Jones

South Bend, Indiana

February 2012”

Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday Fun


As an environmental, climate and peace activist I am always striving to make the world a better place and I have hit upon an idea that will make  the world a more enjoyable place in which to live and will tend to reduce the negative thoughts some people have about  others.

So, let's get right to the point, the point is using a universal nickname for others.

The universal nickname is Ham Hock and if we think that every person we have ever heard about or will ever hear about had the nickname Ham Hock we'd likely be more favorably disposed towards them. 

Here are just a few names to consider:

Tokyo Ham Hock Rose
Donald Ham Hock Trump
The Dali Ham Hock Lama
Joseph Ham Hock Stalin
Hilary Ham Hock Clinton
Mohandas Ham Hock Ghandi
Killer Ham Hock Kowalski
Harvey Ham Hock Weinstein
Ruth Bader Ham Hock Ginsburg
Judas Ham Hock Iscariot
Dennis The Ham Hock Menace
Speedy Ham Hock Gonzalez
Saddam Ham Hock Hussein
Big Ham Hock Brother
Bugsy Ham Hock Seigel
Lizzie Ham Hock Borden
Barack Ham Hock Obama 
Tom Ham Hock Brady
Lynette Squeaky Ham Hock Fromme
Benjamin Ham Hock Netanyahu 
Hideki Ham Hock Tojo
Richard Milhouse Ham Hock Nixon
Joey Ham Hock Buttafuoco
Joe Ham Hock Biden
Adolph Ham Hock Hitler

and, obviously, 

Shirley! Shirley, Shirley
Bo-ber-ley, bo-na-na fanna
Fo-fer-ley. fee fi mo-mer-ley, Ham Hock Shirley!

If you adopt this mental habit of thinking of everybody as having the nickname Ham Hock you'll find you are a much happier person.

Ham Hock Peace and Ham Hock love