Thursday, November 16, 2023

Famous American Jew speaks at Rally for Israel in Washington D.C.

I was listening to American Senate Leader Chuck Schumer speak at the DC rally for Israel Tuesday past.

He delivered a speech in which he criticised Europe for being anti semitic ( They don't love Jews with their whole heart and souls and work on their behalf during their lives? ) and he said the Holocaust was the worst thing that has happened in human history.

Not the death of between twenty and forty million European Christians killed by Godless communism but the putative six million Jews killed in WW2.

It's good to hear a prominent Jew say the quiet part out loud " Jewish  lives are more precious and count more than Christian lives"

Imagine if he knew that Christians not only know that Deicide - the Crucifixion of Our Creator, Redeemer, Lord and Saviour   - was not only by far the worst event in human history, it is literally impossible to conceive of a worst crime.

Try telling that to Schumer and he’ll sic The Southern Poverty Law Center, The ADL and Merrick Garland on you.

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