Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pro faggotry too stark? Try ESS first

Yesterday, we looked at a fag feted by the Catholic Theological Society and we can understand why curious sissies would be put off by the spiritually strident advocacy of such effeminate action and so, as a service to humanity, we would like to take a look at a way to ease sissies into the shameless cult of anal penetration worship via this most enlightening of  adventurous advocacy in an emasculating process leading girly-men to becoming ever more sissified and that features psychological brain-washing that will not only destroy the souls of sissies but prepare them to start bending over for their new found friends to the applause of their erstwhile wives.

What is Tri-Ess ?

Tri-Ess is an educational, social and support group for heterosexual crossdressers, their partners, the spouses of married crossdressers and their families. We believe that we are blessed with an additional facet to our personalities. If we accept our crossgendered side, and explore it, we will find a broadening of the entire personality, which can be very fulfilling. We dress in emulation, rather than in mockery, of femininity. 

The Tri-Ess philosophy can be expressed in the acronym FIBER:

F - Full personality expression in both its masculine and its feminine aspects. We do not wish to destroy our masculinity, but to soften its harsher aspects, and be all we can be.

I - Integration of masculinity and femininity to create a happier whole person.

B - Balance between masculinity and femininity.

E - Education or crossdressers and their families toward self-acceptance; education of society toward accepting crossdressing people.

R - Relationship-building in the context of crossdressing.

Based on this concept, Tri-Ess engages in the following:

1. Publication of the quarterly magazine, The Femme Mirror. The Femme Mirror covers crossdressing from every conceivable angle. Stories of coming out, events in the gender community, articles by wives, "how to" articles, news from our chapters, treatises on crossgendered law, articles on religion, and scholarly articles about the "why's" of crossdressing - all are published in the Mirror, along with poetry and even cartoons!

2. Publication of the Sweetheart Connection, a quarterly newsletter by wives and for wives.

3. Publication of the secure, on-line Membership Directory, with profiles and pictures (optional). Many crossdressers feel alone, and many live far from any chapter. To meet a sister in correspondence can be a very rewarding experience.

4. Publication of brochures and pamphlets on crossdressing.

5. Tri-Ess has more than 20 chapters nationwide. Our chapters are social gatherings where members can enjoy programs and the company of others like themselves. Some chapters meet in hotel rooms, others in homes. Some meetings are held at sympathetic businesses or restaurants. The main chapter meetings are crossdressing occasions. some chapters have an additional meeting where the members enjoy activities "en-homme" (Literally, the homo). These non-crossdressing meetings are an excellent way to bring out timid new members and apprehensive wives.

For the love of Luke Sissyfag *, America is a joke.

In 1993, (Luke)  Montgomery legally changed 
his  name to “Luke Sissyfag” for two years before 
changing it back, Breitbart reported. During that 
time, he was an outspoken advocate for the 
LGBT movement, including being part of the 
team that planned the LGBT March on Washington 
in 1993.  That same  year, he attended a speech 
that Bill Clinton was giving for World AIDS day and 
shouted out  that Clinton wasn’t taking enough 
action to combat AIDS.

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