Thursday, June 22, 2023

The War Crimes committed against the Jews in WW2 was NOT a holocaust


The Holocaust was the Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary in which His burning love substituted for the material fire of the Old Testament holocausts, all of which sacrifices were instituted to prepare the once chosen people to accept the Messias as their Saviour.

But the majority of Messias-Deniers, then and now, rejected/reject Jesus as the Messias and one of the consequences of that denial is their once true religion has devolved into anthropomorphic racial supremacism to such an extent that they have substituted their own sufferings in place of the Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ and, to add spiritual insult to material injury, the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church has aided and abetted this superstitious supersessionism with the sad result that if the reader were to ask any of his Catholic friends - "What is the holocaust?" - 99.999% of them would respond with the answer guaranteed to please the Messias-Deniers while the 0.001% of Catholics answering correctly - "The Holocaust is the pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary and it is also the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass" - would be looked upon as atavistic anti semites.

Let's leave aside the Church's politically inspired prudential choice in this matter and focus on the Messias-Deniers and their captious claim.

Let's do something a little different here when it comes to opposing the Messias-Deniers and their supersessionism of the One True Holocaust. Let's accept that their claim of what happened to them, and them alone, during the second world war can be called a holocaust and let's base our response to that claim upon italicised excerpts from "The Sacrifice of the Mass" by Rev. Herbert Lucas, S.J. 

If the Messias-Deniers are correct that the world war two war crimes committed against them - and them alone - was a holocaust then that idea has these inescapable and insane consequences that they must accept:

...the idea which lies at the root of all sacrifice is that of an offering, of an offering which affords a means of access to God, of an offering which is in some sense vicarious, as symbolical of the self-oblation of the offerer 

If the sufferings of the Jews was a holocaust; then the Nazis were sacrificing Jews as a means to access God and their sacrifice was the Jews self-oblation.

 It might be a simple—albeit most solemn—acknowledgment of the supreme dominion of God ; and this would seem to have been the true inward significance of the holocaust or whole-burnt offering. Or it might be in the nature of a thank-offering or peace offering, terms which sufficiently explain themselves. Or again it might have for its specific purpose the removal of an obstacle in the form of a sin or trespass, which impeded the approach of the offender to God ; in which case the sacrifice would be in the strict sense propitiatory.

If the sufferings of the Jews was a holocaust, then The Nazis were killing the Jews as a peace offering to God or they were killing Jews as a way to have their sins forgiven and all of the Jews they killed were killed as an act of propitiation.

Morbidly Insane, but this is what the Messias-Deniers are insisting upon, so, let's continue:

That in the holocaust or whole-bumt offering the entire victim was consumed by fire on the altar is sufficiently indicated by the terms employed in the Septuagint and in the Vulgate and English versions, Catholic and Anglican. It is less clearly implied in the original Hebrew word Wan, which means a " sending-up " or "causing to ascend.

If the sufferings of the Jews was a holocaust, The Nazis were sacrificing the Jews on an altar. 

Now in a sentence which has been embodied in one of the prayers in the Roman Missal (the Secreta of the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost), St. Leo tells us that in His one sacrifice Our Lord has united and consummated the ancient rites with all their diversities. And indeed it is easy to see that His offering of Himself was a holocaust by reason of its completeness ; a propitiatory offering for sin by reason of its atoning efficacy and purpose, and finally a peace-offering whereby the atonement was not only made but sealed by a sacrificial meal. 

Ok, stay with me for this insanity is about to go galactic in its profound and monumental insipidity: 

Now in a sentence which has been embodied in one of the prayers in the Roman Missal (the Secreta of the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost), St. Leo tells us that in His one sacrifice Our Lord has united and consummated the ancient rites with all their diversities. And indeed it is easy to see that His offering of Himself was a holocaust by reason of its completeness ; a propitiatory offering for sin by reason of its atoning efficacy and purpose, and finally a peace-offering whereby the atonement was not only made but sealed by a sacrificial meal. 

The Jews are telling the world what happened to them was a holocaust and insisting the world obey them and use the word holocaust to describe what is clearly not a holocaust and so let's just set aside the principle of non-contradiction and re-read that paragraph and understand what are the consequences of that insane idea.

If the sufferings of the Jews was a holocaust, The Messias-Deniers must think the Nazis killing them was a fulfillment of their Old Testament Judaism.

And then, after the Nazi's killed the Jews, they ate them.

Fine, but it is the preposterous insanity of the Messias-Deniers who own that idea and its ineluctable consequences and if y'all want to do what they order - call a holocaust what is clearly not a holocaust - then, have at it, but ol' Mick will never use the word Holocaust to describe the war crimes committed against the Jews.

Let's soldier on in confronting the insanity for it grows increasingly larger:

Hence it is explicitly noted, as an element in the perfection of the sacrifice of Christ, that in this case Priest and Victim were one and the same. And yet even here the idea of substitution was not wanting, for here the all-perfect Victim was self-offered for His people. In the divine tragedy of Calvary it is plain that it was not the act of slaying Our Lord that constituted the sacrifice, but Our Lord's acceptance of the death inflicted on Him.

If the sufferings of the Jews was a holocaust, the Messias-Deniers must think the Jews in the second world war were willing victims and the Jews sacrificed themselves to God via the nazis.

Those are the consequences of the insane idea that what happened in world war two was a holocaust and the Messias-Deniers must accept all of the consequences.

Now, the Messias-Deniers have free will and they can claim whatever they want to claim but are you, dear reader, going to be obedient to them when they insist you call what happened to them a holocaust?

You won't if you retrain a modicum of sanity in your soul for there is only one Holocaust - The Holocaust is the pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary and it is also the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

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