Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Catholic Church surrendering to Jewish supremacy and its AntiChristian so-called Noahide Laws

Dabru Emet: Some Reservations about a Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity

David Berger, professor of Jewish history at Brooklyn College, CUNY, delivered this paper at the first annual meeting of the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, meeting in Baltimore, October 28, 2002. Shortly after the publication of Dabru Emet: A Jewish Statement on Christians and Christianity in The New York Times of September 10, 2000, I was contacted by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America to formulate a brief reaction. What emerged was the following paragraph,...
The question of salvation for Christians—or even the relationship of Christianity to what Jewish tradition calls the Noahide covenant binding on all of humanity—is not addressed in Dabru Emet ...

Statement of the Jewish Members of the Discussion Group "Jews and Christians"


For publication in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Recent Vatican texts and explanations about Judaism have caused confusion among Jews throughout the world and raised the question whether the leadership of the Catholic Church, despite all assurances to the contrary, has different theological principles than those of the Second Vatican Council. The Jewish members of the discussion group "Jews and Christians" of the Central Committee of German Catholics are also disappointed in the opinions expressed...
According to the Noahide laws—basic standards of human coexistence—"non-Jews can also share in the world-to-come" (Talmud, treatise Sanhedrin, fol...

Statement of the Jewish Members of the Discussion Group "Jews and Christians"


For publication in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Recent Vatican texts and explanations about Judaism have caused confusion among Jews throughout the world and raised the question whether the leadership of the Catholic Church, despite all assurances to the contrary, has different theological principles than those of the Second Vatican Council. The Jewish members of the discussion group "Jews and Christians" of the Central Committee of German Catholics are also disappointed in the opinions expressed...
According to the Noahide laws—basic standards of human coexistence—"non-Jews can also share in the world-to-come" (Talmud, treatise Sanhedrin, fol...

CJCUC Statement on a Jewish Understanding of Christians and Christianity


From CJCUC After collaborating and working with various Christian organizations, leaders, and scholars over the past three years, the leaders of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation (CJCUC) in Efrat and Jerusalem have released a statement of A Jewish Understanding of Christians and Christianity . CJCUC is the first orthodox Jewish entity to engage in dialogue with the Christian world. In partnership with The Witherspoon Institute in Princeton New Jersey, CJCUC recently publicized...
Christians see themselves not merely as members of the Noahide covenant, but as spiritual partners within the Jewish covenant...

To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians


After nearly two millennia of mutual hostility and alienation, we Orthodox Rabbis who lead communities, institutions and seminaries in Israel, the United States and Europe recognize the historic opportunity now before us. We seek to do the will of our Father in Heaven by accepting the hand offered to us by our Christian brothers and sisters. Jews and Christians must work together as partners to address the moral challenges of our era. The Shoah ended 70 years ago. It was the warped climax to centuries...
We believe that G-d employs many messengers to reveal His truth, while we affirm the fundamental ethical obligations that all people have before G-d that Judaism has always taught through the universal Noahide covenant...

Bearing Faithful Witness: A Study Paper


Preamble: Why this Paper? Because many of us grew up thinking that Jesus had invented the Last Supper; Because in our churches Jesus is rarely referred to as a Jew; Because there is rising anti-Judaism, antisemitism, white supremacy and neo-Nazism in Canada and other countries in the name of Jesus Christ; Because we are finally understanding that Christian denial of Jesus' Jewishness contributed to pogroms, the Holocaust, the refusal to admit refugees and other horrors against Jewish people; Because...
The Noahide Covenant "Unlike Christianity, Judaism does not deny salvation to those outside its fold...

Reflections on Covenant and Mission


This "dialogue document" is the result of joint papers presented on March 13, 2002 at a semi-annual gathering of the ongoing consultation between the National Council of Synagogues and delegates of the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. The Catholic portion had previously been reviewed by the staff of the U.S. Bishop's Office of Doctrine and the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. The bishops, rabbis, and delegates present unanimously agreed...
That law, spoken of as the Seven Noahide Commandments, is applicable to all human beings...

Reflections on Covenant and Mission


This "dialogue document" is the result of joint papers presented on March 13, 2002 at a semi-annual gathering of the ongoing consultation between the National Council of Synagogues and delegates of the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. The Catholic portion had previously been reviewed by the staff of the U.S. Bishop's Office of Doctrine and the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. The bishops, rabbis, and delegates present unanimously agreed...
That law, spoken of as the Seven Noahide Commandments, is applicable to all human beings...

Because we are finally understanding that Christian denial of Jesus' Jewishness contributed to pogroms, the Holocaust, the refusal to admit refugees and other horrors against Jewish people

There it is. Be alert to this rhetorical device so often used by the Messias-Deniers.

Messias-Deniers always complain about collective guilt when it is directed at them but  then they turn around and accuse Catholics of collective guilt for everything then can imagine or invent.

One can diligently search the Bible and never discover these so-called Noahide Laws. They do not exist. They are a product of the Talmudic Rabbis who rejected Jesus as the Messias.

They and those who follow them are on the road to perdition and it is a spiritually sick ecumenism that tries to involve me in these perverted  pretend laws.

Leave me and mine the hell alone. We will NEVER have anything to do with the racial supremacism of the Messias-Deniers

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