Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Amici Israel shut down because, back then, the Catholic Church opposed the world and the perfidy of the Jews

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val. Heroic 

Defender of Catholic Tradition

Conservatives, Protestants, Jews, and Liberals are horrified by many of his actions while to Traditionalists he is a Hero whose Heroic and faithful defense of Tradition remains a model that ought be imitated until the end of time.

But there was one action in particular that has permanently set on edge the teeth of innumerable opponents of Catholic Tradition. It was what he did vis a vis a group called, Amici Israel, that will never be forgiven by modern man.

A Traditionalist Test:

Ask of anyone you know their personal opinion of the great Cardinal and their response will tell you whether or not they are a Traditionalist.

Traditionalists love him; others are embarrassed, at best, by many of his actions because they seem so, oh, I dunno, Medieval and mean and not nice. 

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (winsome euphony so suffuses his name that to speak it is to sing ) revealed in his actions that he was a man of principle and purpose whose Titanium-Tough Traditionalism stands as a model of action to forever be imitated.

Profile of Rafael Cardinal María José Pedro Francisco Borja Domingo Gerardo de la Santísma Trinidad Merry del Val y Zulueta

Brief Bio:

The Perfect Secretary of State

The Tomb of Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val

Here is how the Liberal (and by Liberal I mean Conservatives, Protestants, Jews, and Atheists) thinks about Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val:

Another chapter takes up the controversy surrounding the Good Friday intercession "for the perfidious Jews." As early as 1928, the Amici Israel, a sizable group of Catholic theologians (about 3000 members), had asked the Holy See to change the Good Friday liturgy to show that the Church did not subscribe to anti-Semitism. *

Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val, however, vigorously intervened with Pius XI, attacking the Amici Israel for its alleged "indifferentism" and calling and working for the group's suppression. Merry del Val, moreover, insisted on the "unconditional" retraction of the liturgical consultant of the Holy Office, Abbot Ildefons Schuster, for the latter's support of the change. Pius XI, as W. accurately describes, thus forfeited a great chance to prove his respect for Judaism. 

While Pacelli was still nuncio in Germany, a furious debate unfolded within the Vatican over the Catholic Good Friday liturgy, which contained a particularly ugly anti-Semitic prayer. In 1926, an organization called “Friends of Israel” (Amici Israel) was established. The Amici was a philo-Semitic sodality that included, by 1928, around 20 cardinals, 300 bishops and archbishops, and 3,000 priests among its members. Its main objective was to achieve good relations with Jewish communities and organizations. A second aim was to supply a counter-voice to the openly anti-Semitic stance of the secretary of Pius XI’s Holy Office, Merry del Val (1865-1930), a Spanish cardinal whose beatification process is also ongoing.

Liturgically speaking, the Friends’ aim was ultimately to purge the Catholic rite of elements that were flagrantly anti-Semitic. They had also agreed to avoid all anti-Semitic expressions and practices not only in the liturgy but also in their everyday lives. In context, this meant refusal to refer to Jews as deicides or to Jerusalem as the city of God-killers. They also explicitly rejected the vicious falsehood generated by, above all, Christian clerics: the blood-libel myth—that Jews yearly abducted and killed Christian children for religious purposes. (Though born in theMiddle Ages, the blood libel was still widely credited in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.) In addition, the Friends avoided the term “conversion,” as it was offensive to Jews. All this ­occurred in the context of a European Catholic liturgical life in which sermons were regularly embroidered with anti-Semitic vituperation.
In 1928 the Amici issued a pamphlet entitled Pax Super Israel (Peace Upon Israel). The pamphlet provoked a fierce debate within the Roman curia that revealed a wide spectrum of attitudes toward the Jews, ranging from what Father Wolf calls “hard-core” anti-Semitism to thoroughgoing philo-Semitism. At the time, and all the way until the liturgical reforms enacted by the Second Vatican Council, the eighth prayer of the Good Friday liturgy included a plea for the “perfidious Jews.” Members of the Friends of Israel understood that talk of “perfidious Jews” could easily be appropriated by racial ideologues, whose views were gaining ascendancy in Europe. That Catholics furnished Jew-baiters with such language was understood to be particularly dangerous, as it supplied them with an anti-Semitism based in liturgy and sanctioned by the authority of the church.
For his part, del Val tried to place Pax Super Israel on the Index of Forbidden Books. He also rejected the Friends’ recommendation that the “perfidious Jews”  language be purged from the liturgy, arguing that in Matthew 27:25 the Jews had explicitly accepted responsibility for Christ’s crucifixion and dismissed the Friends’ petition as “nonsensical.” For del Val, this Jewish people were simply stiff-necked as well as cursed.
As Father Wolf acutely observes of del Val’s response, “echoes of a völkisch interpretation are obvious” and would become “even sharper as the opinion proceeded.” Indeed, he argues that some of the arguments advanced by del Val’s colleagues in the Holy Office about “the Jewish peril” could well have been lifted from the writings of racial anti-Semites of the time. As the Nazis would later state, del Val suggested that just as Jews had secretly infiltrated all modern societies, they were now attempting to do the same with the Catholic Church by insinuating themselves into the Friends of Israel. To his credit, Pope Pius XI was so shocked by del Val’s assertion that he summoned him for a dressing-down.
Pius XI’s response to this controversy revealed a still-evolving conscience and less than appropriate alacrity in responding to the potentially lethal consequences of anti-Semitism. He rejected the Friends’ petition, dissolved their organization, and publicly condemned anti-Semitism. He did so in the face of opposition from some of the cardinals of the Holy Office, who objected to the pope’s emphasizing that the Catholic Church had always rejected all forms of anti-Semitism. Their reason is telling. Those cardinals argued against Pius’s declaration that “the church condemns anti-Semitism,” because they wanted to leave room for an anti-Semitism that was “permissible” or even “necessary.” Still, for the first time ever, the magisterium, in the person of Pope Pius XI, had authoritatively repudiated modern anti-Semitism. Granted, the pope rejected the suggested reform of the Good Friday prayer. Yet racial anti-Semitism he presciently rejected with disgust.
Who is the author of this vicious and tendentious tract?
The man in an anti Catholic crank whom Jewish sites promote
My, my. Who'd have anticipated such haughty invective from our liberal friends :)  "..alleged Indifferentism" vs "....liturgical life in which sermons were regularly embroidered with anti-Semitic vituperation."

Seriously, that malign and mephitic mendaciousness has achieved such a structured  formality in modern times that it is, for all intents and purposes, a Liturgy for Liberals - and, for a Liberal, that is a Liturgy for the 356 Secular Holy Days of obligatory Church detraction.

I mean, we all know that liberals love Holy Mother Church and we all know that Liberals treasure (cough, cough) Religious Liberty (as long as they can control the religion) and we all know that Liberals react with alacrity to impute innocence (cough, cough) to Holy Mother Church whenever they read the words of prayers in our Ancient Sacred Liturgy and we all know that Liberals treasure  and respect the right of free speech (cough, repeat, rinse) and we all know that Liberals would never indict the prayers of the Church established by Jesus and accuse them of being a corrupt cesspool of evil from which source enmity and antipathy towards a specific group of people bubbles-up anymore than they would accept that any member of a certain race of people were each guilty of Deicide just because several specific lines of Holy Writ teach that it was The Jews who killed Christ; I mean, we all know that Liberals abhor guilt by association (cough,cough).

And we all know that Liberals would reflexively gainsay as insane any demand that their friends publicly prove that they do not harbor hatred of others by demanding that Jews change the words of prayers inside a Synagogue.

This is the same old single standard that Liberals have always used; the standard that those who accept  Christ are always guilty and are the cause of uncountable numbers of troubles whereas  those who reject Christ are always and everywhere innocent victims whose very existence requires that all those not part of that favored group must surrender whatever it is they have always treasured - from the Gospel of John, to the teachings of Doctors of the Catholic Church to the Holy Prayers in their Ancient and Sacred Liturgies - at the behest of a particular favored group of people who, by their very nature, are to be treasured and valued above all other groups and races who have ever lived.

In other words, Christian (one who follows Jesus) Catholics (in the Church He established) are always the enemy against which all means necessary are to be applied to first silence them, in the present time, and then to utterly destroy them, finally, through the power of the State.

But, God always raises-up a Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val who will defend The Faith whether that threat comes from innocent but deluded Darnel that Zionist Propaganda has cultivated amidst the Catholic Wheat inside of The Church or outside of The Catholic Church.

Even now, inside of a Chapel where The Immemorial Mass is being  offered; inside of a Chapel where the Traditional Sacraments are being dispensed; inside of a Chapel where Traditional Sermons are being heard, some as yet unknown young man ( a Pelayo-Prelate for our times ) is praying in silence, Rosary in hand,  out of sight of the entire world and inside of that Traditional Chapel - that serves as today's Cave of Covadonga - The Holy Ghost is raising-up another man even greater than Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val and breathes there a man alive today who does not sense that there is some momentous event about to occur or that there will soon arise a man (whose time is mystically proximate) whose time has come and which appearance of event or man, or both, can no longer be forestalled.

Amici Israel

Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val from a Traditionalist persepective:

It is simply stunning that this tactic is so wildly successful. Your enemy attacks your Sacred Liturgy and makes a false accusation about it and then demands that you change the prayers of your Ancient Sacred Liturgy or else they will (as they unceasingly have done ever since Rabbinical Judaism was invented following the destruction of the City of Deicide in 70 A.D.) continue to call you names.

And so, a few Popes changed the Prayer of The Sacred Liturgy and what did that get them?


Rabbinical Judaism, that is, The Jews, still hate the Catholic Church and they remain enemies of it and I am positive that when Christians are not around they laugh their asses off because they successfully brow-beat us into changing our Ancient Sacred Liturgy to please them.

Remind me of the Saint who counseled that changing the prayers of our Ancient Sacred Liturgy to make the enemies of Our Lord and Saviour happy was a really good thing to do? I forget who it was who taught that.

Can even one Christian imagine that The Jews would change the prayers of the Synagogue so they would no longer pray for the coming of The Messiah who did come over 2000 years ago or that The Jews would apologise for and then destroy all of the Talmuds and other collections of oral teachings which teach that Mary was a whore who was raped by a Roman Soldier while she was menstruating and that her bastard child, Jesus, was justly killed for blasphemy, and that Jesus is now in Hell covered in boiling shit?


                    Related matters of interest:

Cardinal Raphael Merry del Val Holy Card

 Prayer for the Obtaining of a Miracle for the Canonisation of Cardinal Merry Del Val

With Ecclesiastical Approval


Almighty everlasting God, Who manifest Thy glory through the humility, example of integrity of religion through the hatred of the heresy of modernism and by the castigation and mortification of the flesh of Thine servant Raphael Merry Del Val, grant, we beseech Thee, if it be in conformity with Thy Will, that Thou may glorify him on earth through his intercession by the favor of ... which we fervently implore through Thy Sacred Heart for Thy glory and the glory of Mary the Sorrowful Mother, whom he devoutly loved.  
have sometimes wondered if the Holy Father had in his mind, when revising the EF Good Friday Prayer for the Jews, that his own ordaining bishop, Cardinal von Faulhaber, was a member of the group Amici Israel, which proposed revision in the 1920s 

I mentioned Pelayo assuming the reader would have heard of him when they might not have heard of him so I will post a link to a nice write-up about him: 

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