Saturday, June 10, 2023

Who will break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent which which is strangling the Church?

3 Kings; He destroyed also the pavilions of the effeminate, which were in the house of the Lord, for which the women wove as it were little dwellings for the grove. 

Ver. 7.  Effeminate.  Heb. "consecrated" (C.) or "initiated" (Mont.) in the obscene mysteries of idols.  See Deut. xxiii. 18. and 3 K. xv. 12. and 2 Mac. vi. 4.  These men prostituted themselves (M.) even in that sacred place.  C. --- Prot. "he broke down the houses of the Sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove."  These hangings, tents, or dwellings, (H.) were destined for the idol; (Syr. &c.) or they were intended to hid the abominations which were committed.  They were called "tents of the daughters," C. xvii. 30.  C. --- For.  Lit. "of the grove:" luci.  But the other translation is conformable to the Sept.  Vatable, &c.  H.

There was a time when the religion of Jesus Christ (the only religion ever) hated sodomy openly -because God does also - which is why he destroyed the Pentapolis:

 Wisdom 10 ] She delivered the just man who fled from the wicked that were perishing, when the fire came down upon Pentapolis: [7] Whose land for a testimony of their wickedness is desolate, and smoketh to this day, and the trees bear fruits that ripen not, and a standing pillar of salt is a monument of an incredulous soul. [8] For regarding not wisdom, they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant of good things, but they left also unto men a memorial of their folly, so that in the things in which they sinned, they could not so much as lie hid. [9] But wisdom hath delivered from sorrow them that attend upon her. [10] She conducted the just, when he fled from his brother's wrath, through the right ways, and shewed him the kingdom of God, and gave him the knowledge of the holy things, made him honourable in his labours, and accomplished his labours. 

[6] "The just man": Lot.-- Ibid.

[6] "Pentapolis": The land of the five cities, Sodom, Gomorrha, etc

Saint Bonaventure on the destruction of the 

Pentapolis for Sodomy:

She delivered the just man who fled from the wicked that were perishing. Here he shows the benefit of the wisdom given to the person of Lot when he was delivered from the destruction of Sodom, and, firstly, he treats of the deliverance of Lot; secondly, the punishment of the others: when the fire came down upon Pentapolis; thirdly, the equity of the punishment: For regarding not wisdom, they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant of good things.

(Verse 6). She, namely, wisdom, the just man, ‘namely, Lot’ as a Gloss[520] says; also 2 Peter 2:8 says of him: ‘In sight and hearing he was just’; from the wicked that were perishing, namely, from association with the wicked who were perishing, that is, of the people of Sodom; She delivered the just man who fled, also from association with sin, according to 2 Peter 2:7: ‘And delivered just Lot, oppressed by the injustice and lewd conduct of the wicked’ and from association with punishment; Genesis 19:14ff. speaks of both deliverances. When the fire came down, sent from heaven not from earth; Genesis 19:24: ‘The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven’; upon Pentapolis, Gloss[521]: ‘That is, in the region of the five towns’, namely, Sodom, Gomorrah, Bela, Zeboiim and Admah.

(Verse 7). To whom, namely, to those perishing, for a testimony of their wickedness, their ardent and fetid lust, that smokes, by putting out smoke from itself; so in Psalm 17:9: ‘There went up a smoke in his wrath’; whose land is desolate, namely, of plants and trees; Job 28:5: ‘The land, out of which bread grew in its place, has been burnt[522]by fire’; also Psalm 106:34: ‘A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein’. And at a certain,[523] namely, determined, time trees bearing fruit of no value, as is said, because in that place fruits are produced that are externally beautiful but within are burnt up like ashes; Gloss[524]: ‘They illustrate that without the fruit of penitence souls will burn in hell for eternity’. And a pillar, that is, a statue of salt, so that all who hear and see are seasoned  with the salt of wisdom against the corruption of carnal concupiscence or foolishness; I say, a pillar standing as a monument, that is, a record; Luke 17:32: ‘Remember Lot’s wife’; a monument, I say, of an incredulous soul, that is, of the disbelief of Lot’s wife[525] who looked back, being unwilling to believe the Angel who forbade this, as is clear in Genesis 19:17 and 26.

Note here that the desolate land is a witness to them of the worthlessness of their good works; smoke, of their blindness from carnal concupiscence; fruits that ripen not, of their evil way of life; the pillar of salt, of their outpouring of carnal concupiscence and their corruptive[526] rottenness.   

   (Verse 8). For wisdom, as if to say: and they are rightly punished in this way; for regarding not wisdom, that is, The people of Sodom rejecting it and so they are unhappy; so above in Wisdom 3:11: For those who reject wisdom, and discipline, are unhappy; so they perished in accord with Baruch 3:28: ‘Because they had not wisdom, they perished through their folly’; not only did they perish because they bypassed wisdom, but they left also unto all a memorial of their folly. And this is what follows: they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant of good things. I say, for regarding not wisdom, they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant, an ignorance of which 1 Corinthians 14:38 says: ‘But a person who knows not, shall not be known’; good things, namely, what pertains to life and one’s own salvation. But of their folly, because ‘they are compared to senseless beasts and have become like to them’;[527] they left also unto all a memorial of their folly, in an evil reputation, so that in the things in which they sinned, that is, in the sins they committed, they could not so much as lie hid, but they sinned publicly; Isaiah 3:9: ‘They proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it’. So the Lord wanted their sins to be made public to the whole world by their public punishment.

But now, the religion of Jesus Christ succors and protects the effeminate and sodomites;

The lengths to which militant homosexuals in cassocks can go can be observed in the behaviour of the particularly “liberal” and “open-minded” Archbishop Rembert Weakland, who ruled the diocese of Milwaukee, U.S.A., in the years 1977-2002. He openly admitted to being gay and to having had many partners in life. Throughout the term of his office – for 25 years – he continuously opposed the Pope and the Holy See on many issues, particularly criticizing and rejecting the teaching of the Magisterium on homosexuality. He supported and protected active gays in his diocese, helping them avoid liability for sexual offences they repeatedly committed. At leaving his office, he defrauded about a half million dollars to support his ex-partner.

One of the most influential people in the Church of his time, Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of the Legion of Christ, turned out to be bisexual and to have perpetrated serious sexual offences against many members and underage students in his own congregation, including even his own son...

All four went entirely unpunished for a long time, despite many complaints and charges against them sent to Rome for years. Only direct contact with the Pope or publications in the media finally helped. Otherwise, everything was blocked at lower levels of local or by the Vatican hierarchy. It was similar in many other cases. For instance, several years passed before Bishops Patrick Ziemann of Santa Rosa in California (1999), Juan Carlos Maccarone of Santiago del Estero in Argentina (2005), Georg Müller of Trondheim and Oslo in Norway (2009), Raymond John Lahey of Antigonish in Canada (2009), Roger Vangheluw of Bruges, in Belgium (2010), John C. Favalora of Miami (2010) and Anthony J. O'Connell of Palm Beach in Florida (2010) were removed from office for active engagement in[, or cover-up of,] homosexual paedophilia or ephebophilia. Similar steps had to be taken with respect to many other bishops who concealed or covered up such offences. The same applied to many, sometimes very influential priests. Not only the number of serious sexual offences proves the power of that underground, but also – to an ever greater extent – the degree to which the process of selecting candidate bishops has been disturbed, who were allowed to make a great “career” in the Church despite their having perpetrated such offences, despite leading a double life. This is further confirmed by the efficiency with which such cases were covered up and concealed, the often insurmountable blockade of all attempts made within the Church to protect the wronged, to strive for elementary truth and justice. It has been so difficult at times to take appropriate, self-evident measures against homosexuals, so many strange difficulties have arisen, and even any success in that area is limited, partial and temporary. We witness a terrible phenomenon – it turns out the comfort of homosexual offenders is more important than the fate of children and youth, the fate of the whole Church. If that was done deliberately, that would be high treason, the Church would be guilty of betraying the youth!

          This can also be seen in the fear and confusion of the clergy, particularly in certain dioceses and congregations, when faced with that topic – they escape into silence, unable to articulate even elementary statements on the teaching of the Church on the subject. What are they afraid of? Where does that fear in entire groups of mature, adult men come from? And where do the neuroses, heart diseases and other complaints come from in priests who nevertheless try to oppose such phenomena, especially to protect children and youth? They must be afraid of some influential lobby which wields its power and which they may fall into disfavour with[7].

          In order for such evil to be concealed and tolerated, it is necessary that the right people hold key positions, and that not only a homolobby, but a homoclique or a homomafia is created. Indeed, that is what the present Polish Minister of Justice, Jarosław Gowin, called that group when referring to the scandal of homosexual abuses perpetrated by priests in the Diocese of Płock, the offences of molestation against young people and seminarians, and the covering up of such facts. He said that when he intervened in the Church in the case of Archbishop Paetz, he had the impression he was dealing with a mafia, brutally negating even the most obvious principles and facts.[8]

Who will break the teeth of the Sodomite Serpent which which is strangling the Church?

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