Friday, June 2, 2023

Friday Fun

It was an outside ceremony.

Arguably the most infamous objectophile is Erika LaBrie (Literally, Erika the cheese) , who “married” the Eiffel Tower in 2007 (and now calls herself Erika Eiffel). She first met the Eiffel Tower in 2004 and reportedly fell in love with it immediately. She visits her “soul mate” as often as she can afford to, and she claims her relationship is as real as that between any two consenting adults. Prior to her relationship with the ET, her object love empowered her to become a two-time world champion in archery (an earlier love object was her bow, called ‘Lance’). While falling in love with an inanimate object is rare, Erika is not alone.

The story does not explain whether or not there was an annulment involved with her and her Bow Lance and so I will assume she and her Bow were never betrothed.

Having just written that I am not suggesting Erika and Eiffel have consummated their marriage 
because is as emotionally stunted as he is tall. 

He is steely and quite standoffish and so I am going to conclude theirs is a modified Josephite Marriage.

We are castigated if we do not accept that men can marry men or that women can marry women because love and so we must accept that Teeny-Boppers can marry The Tower of London, that men can marry such well rounded attractions as The London Eye and starry-eyed women can marry Space X.

If you don't accept that then you are filled with hate.

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