Tuesday, June 20, 2023

AmBishops and their strange "faith"

Jesus quoted in Luke 19:27

But as for those my enemies, who would not have me reign over them, bring them hither, and kill them before me  

OK, us Catholics have the teaching of Jesus about what will happen to Jews (and others) who reject Him * and we also have the following from the Modern Church.

Hmmm, whom should I follow?

In a remarkable and still most pertinent study paper presented at the sixth meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee in Venice twenty-five years ago, Professor Tommaso Federici examined the missiological implications of Nostra Aetate. He argued on historical and theological grounds that there should be in the Church no organizations of any kind dedicated to the conversion of Jews. This has over the ensuing years been the de facto practice of the Catholic Church....

As Cardinal Kasper noted, "God's grace, which is the grace of Jesus Christ according to our faith, is available to all. Therefore, the Church believes that Judaism, i.e., the faithful response of the Jewish people to God's irrevocable covenant, is salvific for them, because God is faithful to his promises." (21)...

As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger recently wrote, "God's providence ... has obviously given Israel a particular mission in this 'time of the Gentiles.'" (23) However, only the Jewish people themselves can articulate their mission "in the light of their own religious experience." (24)..

O, for Heaven's sake. It's hard to decide whether this crazy claim is more weird than sad. A Pope says this?

The Son of God became man to save us but God also has given a mission to those who rejected His Son (and, thus, also God the Father).

Thus, while the Catholic Church regards the saving act of Christ as central to the process of human salvation for all, it also acknowledges that Jews already dwell in a saving covenant with God. ...

Judaism assumes that all people are obligated to observe a universal law. That law, spoken of as the Seven Noahide Commandments, is applicable to all human beings. These laws are: 1) the establishment of courts of justice so that law will rule in society, and the prohibitions of 2) blasphemy, 3) idolatry, 4) incest, 5) bloodshed, 6) robbery, and 7) eating the flesh of a living animal. (49) The fact of the covenant notwithstanding, Maimonides and subsequent decisors all make it clear that "the pious of all the nations of the world have a place in the world to come." (50)...


O, and here is The Times of Israel attacking Pope Pius XII;


And still invisibilium within the Prelature is that cleric whose puissant possession of Tradition is such that it could be applied as a force against our Inertia Into Indifferentism.

* The Great Commentary of Cornelius A Lapide:

Ver. 27.—But those mine enemies (the Jews, His citizens, who would not have Him to reign over them) bring them hither—to my Tribunal, in the valley of Jehosaphat and Jerusalem—and kill them before Me.” In the Greek, “Kill them before my face.” Our Lord alludes to those victorious kings who slew and destroyed their conquered rebels. By this destruction Christ signifies the extreme judgment of the Jews and His other enemies, and their own condemnation to eternal death in Gehenna, and that a living and vital death, where they will be perpetually tormented by death-dealing flames, and yet will never die. Our Lord alludes to Titus, who slaughtered the conquered Jews. He describes precisely to the letter the condemnation of the Jews, and the Gehenna which He has appointed for them when He shall return from heaven to judge and condemn them and the reprobate. 

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