Monday, April 10, 2023

Exultation of the Holy Cross Sept 14th


There already exists a Mass dedicated to the Exultation of The Holy Cross so why did the revolutionaries have parishioners kiss a naked Cross on Good Friday rather than a Crucifix?

I'd guess it is because protestants do not have a crucifix in their buildings (protestants have buildings not churches) and the revolutionaries of the 60s Synod wanted to change The Catholic Church to look more like Protestant buildings (Thus, the Neo-Iconoclasm; wreckovations) and force us Catholics to imitate the praxis of those who claim to love and follow Christ but refuse to follow Him in the Catholic Church He established or to obey His Commandments or to treasure and receive His Sacraments or to worship Him the way He taught His Apostles, disciples and faithful to do.

Most NeoCatholics not only rushed to do so but have never stopped publicly defending the revolutionary changes.

Ecumenism is the Universal Solvent of Tradition. 


  1. Pleased to confirm that our veneration was to a crucifix. And pleased to see pages from Fr. Lasance Missal, if I'm not mistaken?

  2. Glad you had a Crucifix to venerate


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