Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Have there been many religions or only one religion ever?

As Saint Augustine teaches Religion is the bond which unites man and God and because it is God who created man it is God who established that Bond with man and because God is one,  He only ever established one religion. the religion of Jesus Christ.

God is He who established religion- the bond with Him – and, because He is one God, He established only one religion and there has only ever been one religion established by God and if we don’t get that right we will forever wander around taking false religions seriously.

The Religion of Jesus Christ is as old as time itself but it has not always been as fully taught as it is now since God became man.

The Religion of Jesus Christ in the old testament taught His chosen people about the need for a savior and redeemer and the Old Testament prophets identified His coming over 300 times - who He would be and what He would do - and so the truth was revealed  slowly and sequentially owing to the arrogant and ignorance of those He liberated from Egypt and gave them water, food and shelter and even preserved for forty years the original sandals and clothes they wore when they were liberated from  their slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt.

His Chosen people had a rough idea of Our Lord and Saviour and they were taught enough so the faithful could be saved whereas some of them had a much more complete idea of the Messias.

So, when you hear of this religion or that religion know that you are hearing about a man created religion and not the bond God established with man, the Religion of Jesus Christ.

List of Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ


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