Sunday, March 19, 2023

Darwin or God?

The scientific consensus of Darwinism is trumped by The Faithful Sensus.

Sensus Fidelium.

Sensus fidei, also called sensus fidelium is, according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, "the supernatural appreciation of faith on the part of the whole people, when, from the bishops to the last of the faithful, they manifest a universal consent in matters of faith and morals.

Prior to the Darwin, and even many years after, Catholics accepted Genesis as true history. That belief was reflected in Catechism after Catechism.

One can say, as I do, that means that Creation IS Catholic Doctrine. Proof?


Don't allow your own self to be dragged into the quicksand of scientism where you'll be submerged until no light reaches you.

Let the modern Churchmen explain away Catholic Doctrine - even though most men have forgotten it.

Once, Sacred Theology and Science were in union, but after Science successfully sued for divorce, science run oft and began to intellectually fornicate with enlightenment principles and principals and untold numbers of bastids were produced that us Catholic Faithful were expected to adopt, shelter, feed and clothe.

Leave them out in the cold and darkness to die. They are not your responsibility; they are monsters.

Science expects us Faithful to believe that two animals fornicated and produced an offspring possessing one of more organs neither of the two adults had.

Who is going to accept such nonsense?

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