Friday, July 22, 2022

People as a type of planetary poison

We had three weeks of great weather in Maine from late June to early July.

Uncountable were the number of people traveling to Maine from other states and those people were traveling in vehicles or planes run on fossil fuels which means fossil fuels were responsible for the great weather.

IF our behavior is responsible for harricaines and floods we are also responsible for the good weather, right?

Also, do not forget that when the Siberians (Indians) walked across the land bridge from what is now Russia to Alaska, the seas were some 250-300 feet shallower than they are today.

What caused that, hmmm?

Were the Serbians making yuge fires to roast Mastodons for their Trial Barbecue parties and did the heat generated by those bigly fires dry up the seas?

That is the sort of insane claim liars like Al Gore and John Kerry would have made were they alive back then so they could demand you give them all of your Beaver pelts so they could stop the seas from evaporating or else, in 25 years, there would be no more seas on Earth.

Where is the proof that what humans do has an effect on the weather and where is the proof that what humans do that supposedly effects the weather produces solely negative effects?

The Al Gores and John Kerrys of the world consider humans (other than themselves) a type of planetary poison.

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