Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Liturgical Dance and Puppet Liturgies.

Us soi disant trads have read innumerable objections to  Liturgical Dance or other forms of active participation in the liturgy.


But, he who abdicated, and loved the Lil' Licit Liturgy, was not following the Latin meaning of participatio actuosa called for by Vatican Two.

It seems that like many "conservatives" he who abdicated was ok with much of the liturgical revolution but not to the point where the liturgical revolution was personally irksome to him.

As Carol Byrne MA PHD points out in "Born of Revolution" Vatican Two required participatio actuosa, active participation that meant, in Latin...

Like it or not, she observes, the fact remains that actuosus depicts bodily movements of the most energetic kind, including theatrical performances. 

...in the writing of the Church Fathers, it was always used in direct contrast to otiosus, which indicates a state of calm conducive to contemplation.

True to form, the Latin word has not changed its meaning since its use in classical antiquity, Actuosa - to give it its dictionary form - meant the same for Seneca and Cicdero as it did for St. Augustine, all of whom used there word to describe vigorous activity involving use of the body.

As Dr. Byrne observes,  How ironic, then that those who have introduced into the liturgy elements of the entertainment world such as clowns, jokes, puppets, and dancing girls cavorting around the sanctuary, are in line with th true meaning of "participatio actuosa" while those who criticize these activities as abusives" have misunderstood it and are therefore, mistaken.

He who abdicated (and many other conservatives like him) was making a personal and not a principled objection to what he considered excesses of the very revolution he helped bring to fruition.

Like it or not, Pope Francis, with his Puppet Masses, is not acting ultra vires but is, in fact, fully in line with Vatican Two and its call for participatio actuosa, so men like me can put that in our trad pipes and smoke it because Francis is right and is following the decisions taken by the most recent ecumenical council.

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