Saturday, June 11, 2022

Catechism of the Summa (15)

 Can there be any change in things made by God?

Yes, and changes more or less radical according to the difference of natures, and according to the difference of states of the same nature.

Do these changes which sometimes come about in the things made by God, enter into the plan of His divine government?

Yes, since all such can and should advance the end of His government which is the glory of God and the well-being of His work.

Are there any changes in creatures that are due to the special action of God?

Yes ; and they are those changes which affect directly the ultimate basis of material things, or the affective part of spiritual beings, and also that which is fundamental in every action of the creature 

Is this action which is proper to God and to which we must attribute the changes that come about in material things "outside" the action of secondary causes which in the ordinary course of nature is proportionate to these changes?

Yes, and such changes are called miracles 


Are there any such miracles performed by God?

Yes, it is most certain that there are miracles perform. by God in the material world. They can be graded in three categories according as the events are beyond the power of nature to effect -- in themselves, or in the subject in which they are effected, or in the manner of the production 

Why has God performed such miracles, and does He still perform them?

God has performed, and may perform again as pleases Him, such miracles in order to arouse the mind of men, and to make them acknowledge His divine power which is brought into play for their well-being and for His own glory.



As regards the changes that come about, or can come about in created things, can creatures act and do they act one upon the other?

Yes; and it is indeed the action of one creature upon another which constitutes, properly speaking, the order of the universe 

Is this action of creatures, one upon the other, subjected also to the action of the divine government?

Yes; and in the most intimate way 

What is meant by this?

By this is meant that by the action of creatures one upon the other, God directs the whole assemblage of His creatures to the end He has fixed for them 

Could God alone, and by His own activity, lead each one of His creatures to its end?

Without doubt He could do this; but it was better for Him to have willed to employ thus the actions of creatures one upon the other in order to lead them to their end; for thereby creatures are more perfect and God's power is made more manifest.

Why are creatures thereby more perfect?

Because, thus, creatures participate in the sovereign activity of God, whereby He directs them to their end 

And why is God's power made more manifest?

Because it is a mark of power and greatness for a sovereign to have in his service a throng of ministers to put his orders into execution 

When creatures then act one upon the other they are simply executing the orders of God?

Yes, for their actions can never evade the perfect and sovereign sway of the divine government


Is it altogether impossible for there to be any disorder in the activity of creatures, one upon the other, when they act as instruments of God in the government of the world?

Yes, it is impossible, for no matter what their action be it is always directed in co-operating under the transcending action of God towards the good of the universe 

Can creatures, in their action one upon the other, be the cause of any particular evil?

Yes; and this both in the physical order and the moral, for they can disturb this or that particular subalternate order among creatures, or even among the divers manifestations thereof which come under the designs and wishes of God 

Can any such particular evil happen contrary to the order of divine government?

No, if understood in its entirety.

What is meant by this?

By this is meant that God who is ineffably mighty effects that such a particular evil is subordinate to a higher order in virtue of which even this particular evil helps towards the universal good 

Everything then that happens by the action of creatures one upon the other falls in a marvellous manner under the supreme control of the divine government?

Yes, for even if one thing seems to be disarranged in its own subalternate order, there is always to be found a wise and searching reason for the disarrangement in some higher sphere.

Can we, in this life, come to understand this wonderful ordering of divine government in the world?

No, we can never come to understand this, since for such knowledge it would be necessary to be acquainted not only with the whole of creation but also with the divine plans.

Where shall we come to see in all its splendour the beauty and the harmony of God's government of the world?

Only in heaven shall we see it in all its splendour.

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