Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Randy Engel and her unsubstantiated accusations and questionable scholarship (2)


  1. Writes Engel:

1 comment:

  1. You are an ignorant troll. Engel's and Barnhardt's arguments are the result of considerable, fastidious research and supported by proven facts in Engel's case and to some extent in Barnhardt's. Have you ever actually READ their works? The logic of AB's arguments is flawless and she has, in fact, many supporters, among them the likes of Prof. Edmund Mazza.
    Many priests and even some bishops believe Bergoglio is an antipope; and thousands of us lay people see and understand what is right in front of us: a manifest public heretic who could not possibly enjoy the
    protection of the Holy Spirit to safeguard the Faith.
    Why don't you actually study the works yourself instead of pontificating from the comfort of your little computer to the many of us who actually use the brain God gave us. Well, what can one expect from the likes of someone who trusts Wikipedia for his information. Time to man up or get off the internet.


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