Friday, May 6, 2022

Friday Fun



There was a time when a Republican President, Gerald Ford, was prescient enough and persuasively puissant enough to create a movement to address financial and societal woes.

WIN (Whip Inflation Now) not only unified the citizens of these United States, that winsome phrase resulted in the printing of countless buttons that men wore with pride and the numerous factories created just to produce those buttons proved to be the engine of the economic recovery that, prolly, saved the country.

Had Donald J. Trump been as prescient as Gerald Ford was, he could have created a movement for safe, rare and legal voting - VOLE - Vote Only Legally Everyone - and one can just imagine millions of Proud Boys walking around wearing a button with a cuddly vole on it.

Men could wear it right beside one of those infantilising  I voted stickers some socialist spinster begs you to take when you leave the polls and head for a  bar.

Trump only has his own self to blame.

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