Friday, April 8, 2022

The evil Kentaji Brown is the perfect representative of the modern Democrat Party

  1. Wisdom 10 She delivered the just man who fled from the wicked that were perishing, when the fire came down upon Pentapolis:

    Saint Bonaventure on the destruction of the Pentapolis for Sodomy: She delivered the just man who fled from the wicked that were perishing. Here he shows the benefit of the wisdom given to the person of Lot when he was delivered from the destruction of Sodom, and, firstly, he treats of the deliverance of Lot; secondly, the punishment of the others: when the fire came down upon Pentapolis; thirdly, the equity of the punishment: For regarding not wisdom, they did not only slip in this, that they were ignorant of good things. (Verse 6). She, namely, wisdom, the just man, ‘namely, Lot’ as a Gloss[520] says; also 2 Peter 2:8 says of him: ‘In sight and hearing he was just’; from the wicked that were perishing, namely, from association with the wicked who were perishing, that is, of the people of Sodom; She delivered the just man who fled, also from association with sin, according to 2 Peter 2:7: ‘And delivered just Lot, oppressed by the injustice and lewd conduct of the wicked’ and from association with punishment; Genesis 19:14ff. speaks of both deliverances. When the fire came down, sent from heaven not from earth; Genesis 19:24: ‘The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven’; upon Pentapolis, Gloss[521]: ‘That is, in the region of the five towns’, namely, Sodom, Gomorrah, Bela, Zeboiim and Admah. 

    All the people living in the Pentapolis- not just the sodomites- were destroyed by God for the sin of sodomy so what might that truth mean for America which has positive law – sodomitic “marriage, non-discrimination against sodomites, special grants/loans/programs for sodomites, special ceremonies for sodomites etc -? 

    Sodomy is a sin crying to Heaven for vengeance, worthy of contempt and condemnation , not a sin to be blessed and celebrated. America has just elevated to the SCOTUS an evil Ivy League educated disciple of Satan who succors pedophiles (sodomites are way over-represented statistically in this despicable crime) apologised to the perps she had to sentence to a mandatory minimum and dared to compare collectors of kiddie porn to collectors of others items (collectors qua collectors) as though collecting baseball cards or stamps is akin to collecting vids of men sodomising babies. 

    She defended an 18 yo black sex criminal who was caught in possession of kiddie porn by claiming he was just interested in peer activity – as though the 8 yo boy who was a vidicm of child rape was a peer to an 18 y.o.

     I guess she thinks an 8 yo boy can join the military, get married, buy liquor, get a driver’s license etc, just like an 18 yo. 

    O. and of course the 18 yo has since committed more sex crimes since she let him off with a light sentence. 

    O, did I mention she also denied the Bill of Rights applies to individuals?

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