Friday, April 15, 2022

Scientists caught lying about Shroud of Turin. The Church refuses to speak the truth about it.

Thursday I watched EWTN's presentation of the man of the shroud and, typically like the modern Popes, they are afraid to charge "science" with fraud because even though "science" has rejected Jesus, the Church and the vast majority of its hierarchy fear being called names if they criticise "science."

Frankly I do not care. 

SCIENCE is doing the work of Satan, whether in the form of lying about Jesus or lying about Covid and the jab.

I reject "science' and all of its blandishments.

Science was caught out lying about The Shroud and the reason one rarely hears of the proof of the lie is that the hoax/fraud/lie was discovered by men working with The Abbe de Nantes who, famously said Vatican was a crock, amongst other things.

Dr. Michael Tite is a liar and so is the British Museum but don't expect the modern Popes and The Shadow Church to confront the lairs and to call them out- they are too concerned with their reputations.

Was the Pontifical Academy of Sciences also involved with this?

O, you know they were...

Lets jump right into this fantastic expose of the Satanic fraud that is modern "science"

 “ We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form of a scourged, crucified man. It is not the product of an artist. The blood stains are composed of haemoglobin and also give a positive test for serum albumin. ”

Shortly after this symposium, the Trustees of the British Museum authorised Doctor Tite to act as supervisor of a project for the Holy Shroud to be dated by the carbon 14 method. On whose initiative and with what aim? Mystery!


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