Monday, April 25, 2022

Governors since I have been alive. No one of them is even close in quality and competence to my Governor Ron DeSantis

The first three have great names:

Beaufort H. Jester Texas, 1947-1948 (Sounds sorta like Buford T Justice of "Smokey and the Bandit" fame)

Raymond Dance Oklahoma, 1955-1959

Orval Eugence Faubus  Arkansas1955-67

How many Americans know and understand that The Us Constitution does not have any amendment or provision guaranteeing a right to education?

The 14th Amendment does not even make mention of education.

The Declaration of Independence does not even make mention of education.

Orval Faubus is to Governor's names what Narvel Felts is to musician's names. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard Orval died?

December 14, 1994 Faubus died and about a week later figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was brutally  attacked by Jeff Gillooly but then, thankfully, Mike Lindell invented My Pillow about a decade later  

and Americans began to sleep better after such a long time of national insomnia and nightmares brought on by militarily enforced Integration and unprovoked attacks on goofy figure skaters. 

Theodore Roosevelt, Maryland 1951-1959 

He and his son, (was the frog named after him?) shot and killed over 500 animals on a conservation trip to Africa. The is why you can't trust any POTUS; killing more than 500 animals is conservation?

Earl Kemp (Huey) Long 1939-1960 (various years) 


They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side, but no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen."

Lurleen Wallace 1967-68 Too funny. Elected after George couldn't run owing to term limits

Endicott Peabody, Boston Brahmin 1963-65 - with a name like that you know that he was a Brahmin Dufus who hated the commoners and attributed his refusal to act on their behalf because progressive politics is effectively an impersonal process that over time was always making everything better for everyone.  

Only a wealthy bastid would reason like that.

Cabots, Derbys, Searses, Endicotts, Peabodys, Crowninshields–all were “men who, if not actually pirates, were at least Vikings in their methods,” wrote Amory. “To ease their New England consciences, rum was technically known as 'West Indies Goods'; the label 'Groceries and W.I. Goods,' was a familiar one on Boston's Merchants' Row.”

How many "tough times" do you think the Boston Brahmins like Endicott Peabody went through? Men of his family, when did they experience the valleys and the vexing vicissitudes of life?

Never and they hated your guts even as they stumped for your vote. They still hate you guts. Ja vote for John Kerry? He couldn't give two shits about you and yours.

Meldrin Thompson, New Hamster 1973-79. 

He once asked the POTUS to send him Nuclear weapons: As governor from 1973-1979, serving three two-year terms, he drew devoted support from ultraconservatives with positions that included suggesting nuclear weapons for the state National Guard.

Bruce Babbit,  Arizona 1978- 1987 One of the great stutterers  of all time. Sadly, You Tube has taken down the vids of him stuttering.

He became Secretary of the Interior and every time C-SPAN announced it would be carrying an address by Babbit, I'd tune in hoping to hear: I am Bruce Babbitt and today I am going to talk to you about babbling brooks, Bees, Bluebirds and Black Brown Albatrosses....

Mike Dukakis,  Massachusetts 1975-91 

This photo ended his POTUS bid

Folks started  calling him "Dondi" after a cartoon character, a wide-eyed War Orphan

John Ashcroft,  Missouri 1985-93 

John Waihee,  Hawaii 1986-94 speaking his name sounded like cheering so of course he was elected

Walter Nickel,  Alaska 1966-96 He wasn’t worth a dime

Lowell Weicker,  Connecticut 1991-97  The turd in the punchbowl

Lowell Weicker's unvarying message to his long discarded Republican Party, iterated and reiterated countless times during his 21 year congressional stint, is always, wearily, the same: Republicans in Connecticut could win office if they were JUST LIKE ME.

Mr. Weicker's state party has over the years grown used to being shamefully used as a political foil. When then Republican Senator Weicker described himself approvingly as "the turd in the Republican Party punchbowl," few Republicans in his state were astonished by either the abusive sentiment or the scatological reference.

Even considering these worthies, not one is even close to the Best Governor since I have been alive,  and I am the same age as Israel; I was born in 1948

The Catholic Ron DeSantis, a man whose intelligence and courage stands far above all of the Governors who have served in the various states since I have been alive.

When the 'rona came along he did not shut down the Churches - even though Catholic Bishops did. He did not impose but fought against various mandates. He provided Regeneron infusions for free to Florida residents who decide to take it.

He acted in defense of Florida parents and against the Sodomite Syndicate which was teaching children about putative different genders from innocent kindergartners to third grade children comfortably in their latency period and also teaching that whites are evil.

He acted against the Devil Mouse Disney which tried to force him to rescind the pro-parents law he and the Florida Legislature enacted and then he acted to remove their tax-free self-governing status in Orange County Florida and now that giant corporation has to pay taxes just like me and my family have to do.

He founded and funded defense-of-democracy groups which will monitor future political elections in Florida and serve to stop the democrats from stealing future elections.

He named an excellent Doctor as Florida's Surgeon general and that gentleman will not kowtow to the malign midget Fauci or any other totalitarian fascist associated with the CDC.

Florida is now know as Free Florida and millions of other Americans are moving here from other blue fascist states because they also want to live under the US Constitution and exercise their Civil Rights free from the fatuous fascist Biden and his evil satanic democrat operatives.

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