Monday, April 25, 2022

Friday Fun


Friday Fun


JFK Conspiracy proved.

In going out to get the newspaper today it suddenly dawned

on ABS that most researchers had missed this subtle key that unlocks the conspiracy vault wherein lay hidden from your average lunatic the facts proving there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK.

We at ABE * Ministry are not long-winded about these matters and so we will simply produce the facts and let the reader decide for his own self whether Amateur Brain Surgeon is a genius or in serious need of hospitalisation and anti-psychotic medication.

And off we go...

Item A. This was the number one song in Country and Western Music on November 23 1963, the day after JFK was murdered.

The reference to I'm leaving it all up to you, was just the establishment's sly message to Lee Harvey Oswald that he had already been framed as the patsy and that it was too late for him to do anything about it...

List of Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles of 1963

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These are the Billboard Hot 100 number one hits of 1963.

Nino Tempo and April Stevens
November 23"I'm Leaving It Up to You"Dale & Grace
November 30
December 7"Dominique"The Singing Nun
December 14
December 21
December 28

Item B.  LBJ was the vice president and he was born in the country in Texas

Item C.  JFK was visiting a western town - Dallas, Texas -  when he was assassinated

Country and Western...the link is too obvious to deny!!!

Thus, this song was the establishment sending a dog whistle message to the patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, that this was the day (Nov 22, 1963) they had designated for him to shoot JFK - even though it was the establishment which iced him and, so, it is obvious they were not leaving it all to him but they were just playing him as a patsy.

Lee Harvey was a big country and western fan and he received the "I'm leaving it all up to you" 45 record in the US Mail the very morning - Nov 22, 1963 - as a "go" message that he must kill the POTUS.

Item DJ The FBI and the CIA both were involved in the radio DJ payola scam that brought down Alan Freed but Dick Clark skated because he became a snitch and so the government gave him special pills that for over fifty years that prevented him from aging. This really had nothing at all to do with the conspiracy to ice JFK but the opportunity to gratuitously reference Alan Freed and Dick Clark was just too much to resist; and, this crummy post would have been too short without it.

Anyways, back to the evidence...

The song rose to Number one on Nov 23rd, the day after the assassination, as a sly way for the establishment to triumphantly tout its own sinister black ops capabilities.

If there exists better proof of a conspiracy to assassinate JFK then Amateur Brain Surgeon has yet to make it up.

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