Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Benedict is not Pope.

For me, BIP (Benedict Is Pope) stands for Barnhardt is Pope. Barnardt locuta est....How many putative faithful Catholics have followed her down her poisonous path?

She is the one who initiated this lunacy (Substantial Error in his resignation which means Benedict is still Pope) and I think it was not because of any objective or canonical reason but owing to her cognitive dissonance. The situation in Rome created in her an intense psychological pressure that could only be dissipated/ relieved by her theory.

If one goes to her blog and reads her posts after Francis was elected it is clear she accepted him as Pope (As I recall it was about a year). It is only when he continued to do what he does and say what he says that she created this "fact."

She had to arrive at some means to claim he wasn't Pope but that Benedict still was or she would continue to experience psychological pain.

Said differently, had Francis acted as a normal Pope she would never have created this claim because if she had she would be supporting a two pope reality.

That is, if she is right that Benedict is Pope because substantial error then the Church would have two popes even if Francis had acted like a real Pope.

If she is right, had a second Pope Pius X been elected and restored all things in Christ, he would not be Pope because substantial error, he would be an Antipope.

That is, her solution is not a solution.

It is poison.

1 comment:

  1. False. You misstate her position as well as the idea that she was the first to come up with the "Benedict is Pope" idea. That honor actually goes to Fr. Gruner of blessed memory ( But don't let that get in the way of your remote diagnosis Dr Freud.


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