Friday, November 19, 2021

Stare decisis explained.

You will be hearing a lot about Stare decisis in the next few years as abortion "rights" cases come before the SCOTUS.

Stare decisis is often misunderstood because, like in so many other instances, the definition of the phrase has aught to do with the reality.

Stare decisis, the legal principle of determining points in litigation according to precedent.

Will that definition be in effect when the SCOTUS has to decide whether or not Roe v Wade and  Doe v Bolton should remain as the made-up law of the land?


What will really be in effect is whether or not Kegger Kavanaugh and Amy Coney "If you give me a book contract I will vote as you tell me" Barrett will vote the right way.

The right way is the way the establishment in DC desires. Period.

Senate Minority Leader Schumer, speaking at a 2020 rally of abortion rights supporters, threatened Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, President Donald Trump's two Supreme Court nominees who were confirmed after bruising nomination fights. 

"I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions," Schumer said, turning to look at the Supreme Court building.

Kegger and The Book Seller have families and children and both want their kids to be accepted into the right schools and they want to be invited to the fantastic parties hosted by the powerful progressives in DC and so they have positive reason for supporting the made-up laws of the land.

The negative reasons for not supporting the made up laws of the land is where Stare decisis comes into play.

Late at night Kegger and The book seller are awake in their beds staring into the decisive abyss if they vote the wrong way.

If they vote the wrong way they know they are staring at a future in which the establishment will sic BLM  and Antifa upon them and those groups will show up on their property after midnight screaming into bullhorns that they will burn down their homes, kill and eat their pets and sodomise their children.

What will Kegger and The Book Seller do knowing the DC Cops will not lift a finger to protect their life and property?

Stare decisis it is...

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