Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Triregnums for one and all

The Triregnum (the Papal Tiara formed by three crowns symbolizing the triple power of the Pope: father of kings, governor of the world and Vicar of Christ) from the XVIII Century, with which the bronze statue of Saint Peter is crowned every June 29th, the feast day of the Saint.

Use of the Tiara, a ritual during solemn ceremonies, was abandoned during the Papacy of Paul VI.

The Tiara is a headdress ending in an ogive and made of silver, and during the times of Boniface VIII two crowns were added, and from 1314 three crowns (the reason it is called the triregnum), topped by a small globe with a golden cross.

Among the various interpretations, we shall mention the one that says that the three crowns represent the militant, the suffering and the triumphant Church.

The shape of the Triregnum varied throughout the years. We may find it represented as more or less rounded, in some cases without the globe and the cross. At times there is a modified position of the ribbons (two ribbons with a patent cross hanging).

Pope Paul VI

Apostolic Constitution on the Vacancy of the Apostolic See and the Election of the Roman Pontiff

Paul, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God for Perpetual Remembrance

92. Finally, the Pontiff will be crowned by the Senior Cardinal Deacon, and, within an appropriate time, will take possession of the Patriarchal Archbasilica of the Lateran, according to the ritual prescribed.

All these things we lay down and prescribe after careful and mature reflection; and, declaring abrogated, as provided for above, the Apostolic Constitutions and Orders issued in this regard by the Roman Pontiffs, we wish this Consitution of ours to have full effect now and in the future, in such a way that everything that has been described and laid down therein should be religiously observed by all concerned and therefore should come into force, notwithstanding whatsoever disposition to the contrary, even though worthy of very special mention. If anyone therefore, knowingly or unknowingly, should act in a manner different from what we have prescribed, we order that such action is to be considered null and void.

Given in Rome, at Saint Peter's, on the first day of the month of October in the year 1975 the thirteenth of our Pontificate.

St. Peter's Square
Sunday, 22 October 1978

3. Today the new Bishop of Rome solemnly begins his ministry and the mission of Peter. In this city, in fact, Peter completed and fulfilled the mission entrusted to him by the Lord…

4. In past centuries, when the Successor of Peter took possession of his See, the triregnum or tiara was placed on his head. The last Pope to be crowned was Paul VI in 1963, but after the solemn coronation ceremony he never used the tiara again and left his Successors free to decide in this regard.

Pope John Paul I, whose memory is so vivid in our hearts, did not wish to have the tiara; nor does his Successor wish it today. This is not the time to return to a ceremony and an object considered, wrongly, to be a symbol of the temporal power of the Popes.

Our time calls us, urges us, obliges us to gaze on the Lord and immerse ourselves in humble and devout meditation on the mystery of the supreme power of Christ himself.

He who was born of the Virgin Mary, the carpenter's Son (as he was thought to be), the Son of the living God (confessed by Peter), came to make us all "a kingdom of priests”.

The Second Vatican Council has reminded us of the mystery of this power and of the fact that Christ's mission as Priest, Prophet-Teacher and King continues in the Church. Everyone, the whole People of God, shares in this threefold mission. Perhaps in the past, the tiara, this triple crown, was placed on the Pope's head in order to express by that symbol the Lord's plan for his Church, namely that all the hierarchical order of Christ's Church, all "sacred power" exercised in the Church, is nothing other than service, service with a single purpose: to ensure that the whole People of God shares in this threefold mission of Christ and always remains under the power of the Lord; a power that has its source not in the powers of this world but in the mystery of the Cross and Resurrection.

 6. I thank all of you here present who have wished to participate in this solemn inauguration of the ministry of the new Successor of Peter…
And I also appeal to all men—to every man (and with what veneration the apostle of Christ must utter this word: "man"!) 

— pray for me! 
— help me to be able to serve you! Amen.

Modern Popes are humbler than Jesus.

Jesus let His enemies crown him whereas modern Popes will not even let their friends crown them Pope.

Jesus let His enemies mock Him whereas modern Popes will not let their own selves be crowned owing to what the Triregnum signifies - their AUTHORITY over Presidents, Kings, and the various other miscreants and malign men wielding power - for modern Popes wish to be loved (Pope Paul VI to the roman clergy explaining why he would not use discipline) and they will not do anything that might result in them being mocked; you know, such as teaching the The One True Holy Romna Catholic and Apostolic Church is the ONLY TRUE Church outside of which there is neither Salvation or Sanctification.

The whole Vicar of Christ role has been largely reformed so as not to anger those who hate Jesus Christ and reject His authority and commandments.

Fear of man?  Yes.

Fear of God?  

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