Friday, December 20, 2024

Friday Fun - Blog Photo explained.

 Hey, Mick, T'Hell is the deal with your blog photo?

Thank you for the question pretend interlocutor. 

Because the rest of the world hates America with such savage intensity, Ol' Mick began to anticipate and prepare to survive a sneak nuclear attack.

Mick took FIL's (Father in Law) Welding Mask, put it on, and climbed on top of MIL's (Mother in Law) Van and I had her drive me around day and night for months.

If the surprise nuclear attack happened I would see the flash of the explosion and not be blinded and I would have enough time to roll off the top of  the van into a ditch before the blast of the Nuclear explosion would safely pass over me.

I could then take off the Welding Mask, bury my beloved MIL in a shallow grave, and hightail it to Costco where I could grab as much free merchandise as I could stuff into the van. 

After a few months, when there was no surprise nuclear attack, my exhausted MIL convinced me to abandon my plan but never let it be said I was unprepared to do whatever is necessary to survive, thrive and keep liberty alive.

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