Tuesday, February 13, 2024

God chose Mao, Stalin and Hitler to rule over men, right?


Here is Saint Augustine, “City of God.” Book 5

Chapter 21.— That the Roman Dominion Was Granted by Him 
from Whom is All Power, and by Whose 
Providence All Things are Ruled.

These things being so, we do not attribute the power of giving
 kingdoms and empires to any save to the true
 God, who gives happiness in the kingdom of heaven to the 
pious alone, but gives kingly power on earth both 
to the pious and the impious, as it may please Him, whose
good pleasure is always just. For though we have 
said something about the principles which guide His 
administration, in so far as it has seemed good to Him to
 explain it, nevertheless it is too much for us, and far surpasses 
our strength, to discuss the hidden things of
 men’s hearts, and by a clear examination to determine the 
merits of various kingdoms. He, therefore, who is the
 one true God, who never leaves the human race without just
 judgment and help, gave a kingdom to the Romans
 when He would, and as great as He would, as He did also to
 the Assyrians, and even the Persians, by whom, as 
their own books testify, only two gods are worshipped, the one 
good and the other evil — to say nothing 
concerning the Hebrew people, of whom I have already spoken 
as much as seemed necessary, who, as long
 as they were a kingdom, worshipped none save the true God. 
The same, therefore, who gave to the Persians 
harvests, though they did not worship the goddess Segetia, who
 gave the other blessings of the earth, though 
they did not worship the many gods which the Romans supposed 
to preside, each one over some particular
 thing, or even many of them over each several thing — He, I say,
 gave the Persians dominion, though they 
worshipped none of those gods to whom the Romans believed
 themselves indebted for the empire. And the 
same is true in respect of men as well as nations. 
He who gave 
power to Marius gave it also to Caius Cæsar; He
 who gave it to Augustus gave it also to Nero; He also who gave 
it to the most benignant emperors, the 
Vespasians, father and son, gave it also to the cruel Domitian; and,
 finally, to avoid the necessity of going over 
them all, He who gave it to the Christian Constantine gave it also to 
the apostate Julian, whose gifted mind was 
deceived by a sacrilegious and detestable curiosity, stimulated by 
the love of power. And it was because he was
 addicted through curiosity to vain oracles, that, confident of
 victory, he burned the ships which were laden with
 the provisions necessary for his army, and therefore, engaging 
with hot zeal in rashly audacious enterprises, he 
was soon slain, as the just consequence of his recklessness, and
 left his army unprovisioned in an enemy’s 
country, and in such a predicament that it never could have escaped, 
save by altering the boundaries of the 
Roman empire, in violation of that omen of the god Terminus of 
which I spoke in the preceding book; for the god
 Terminus yielded to necessity, though he had not yielded to Jupiter.
 Manifestly these things are ruled and 
governed by the one God according as He pleases; and if His motives
are hid, are they therefore unjust?

Job 34: For when he granteth peace, who is there that can condemn? 
When he hideth his countenance, who
 is there that can behold him, whether it regard nations, or all men?
[30] Who maketh a man that is a hypocrite
 to reign for the sins of the people?

Haydock Commentary: Ver. 30. People. A hypocrite  denotes
 one infected with all sorts of crimes. S. Iræn. v. 24.
 Such a king is  sometimes given to punish a wicked people. 
Ose. xiii. 11. Isai. iii. 4.

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