Sunday, June 25, 2023

Only The Holy Holocaust/Mass is a Holocaust

 The Holocaust was the Pluperfect Salvific Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary in which His burning love substituted for the material fire of the Old Testament holocausts, all of which sacrifices were instituted to prepare the once chosen people to accept the Messias as their Saviour

...the idea which lies at the root of all sacrifice is that of an offering, of an offering which affords a  It might be a simple—albeit most solemn—acknowledgment of the supreme dominion of God ; and this would seem to have been the true inward significance of the holocaust or whole-burnt offering. Or it might be in the nature of a thank-offering or peace offering, terms which sufficiently explain themselves. Or again it might have for its specific purpose the removal of an obstacle in the form of a sin or trespass, which impeded the approach of the offender to God ; in which case the sacrifice would be in the strict sense propitiatory...

means of access to God, of an offering which is in some sense vicarious, as symbolical of the self-oblation of the offerer…

That in the holocaust or whole-bumt offering the entire victim was consumed by fire on the altar is sufficiently indicated by the terms employed in the Septuagint and in the Vulgate and English versions, Catholic and Anglican. It is less clearly implied in the original Hebrew word Wan, which means a " sending-up " or "causing to ascend.

Now in a sentence which has been embodied in one of the prayers in the Roman Missal (the Secreta of the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost), St. Leo tells us that in His one sacrifice Our Lord has united and consummated the ancient rites with all their diversities. And indeed it is easy to see that His offering of Himself was a holocaust by reason of its completeness ; a propitiatory offering for sin by reason of its atoning efficacy and purpose, and finally a peace-offering whereby the atonement was not only made but sealed by a sacrificial meal.

Vatican Two opens and some Council Fathers make a public statement;

We wish to convey to all men and to all nations the message of salvation, love and peace which Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, brought to the world and entrusted to the Church.

In fact, it is for this reason that we, the successors of the apostles, all united in prayer with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, forming one single apostolic body whose head is the successor of Peter, are gathered here at the invitation of His Holiness Pope John XXIII.

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we intend in this meeting to seek the most effective ways of renewing ourselves and of becoming increasingly more faithful witnesses of the Gospel of Christ.

We will strive to propose to the men of our times the truth of God in its entirety and purity so that they may understand it and accept it freely.

Conscious of our duties as pastors, we wish deeply to meet the demands of those who seek God “and perhaps grope after him and find him though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17: 27).

Faithful, therefore, to the mandate of Christ, who offered Himself as (a) holocaust “in order that he might present to himself the Church in all her glory 

Why did the Church stop describing the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as a (Holy) Holocaust ?

Because the experts of the 1960s Synod did when, in 1963, they made no direct mention of it in their Document on the liturgy:

It was only  a few years later that he Jews took control of Holocaust, the singular salvific spiritual reality actualised by  Jesus Christ on Calvary, and applied it to themselves so as to substitute themselves in place of the Salvific action of Jesus Christ and so now mankind thinks the worst crime ever committed was the Holocaust not Deicide.

Do you think a priest would dare describe the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as The (Holy) Holocaust as the clerics did publicly at the beginning of Vatican Two?

No way.

Oncet, I had a public exchange with a popular priest blogger and while he did confess that Holocaust could be used to describe the Holy Mass and also the Holocaust the Jews speak about he would not use Holocaust to describe what Jesus did for all of mankind on Calvary?

He didn't give a reason why - so I will; Fear of the Jews, ever ancient ever new.

Collectively the Jews would pitch a fit if Catholics retook possession of the descriptor of  this grave truth and began to use it unapologetically as they began, once again, to describe to others what The Holy Holocaust is and why they celebrate it every day.

Now, some more history of the Holy Holocaust:

Good Friday  - Dom Gueranger The Liturgical Year;

From the tribunal of Pilate, Jesus walks to Golgotha where the sacrifice is consummated. It is then the holocaust of holocausts, the absolute and supreme holocaust…Like a lamb destined for a holocaust, he lays himself on the wood that is to serve as the Altar

St. Francis de Sales, a seventeenth-century French bishop and Doctor of the Church. Speaking of Mary at the foot of the cross, he says:

The sorrow of the Son at that time was a piercing sword, which passes through the heart of the Mother, because that Mother’s heart was glued, joined, and united to her Son, with so perfect a union that nothing could wound the one without inflicting a lively torture upon the other. Now this maternal bosom, being thus wounded with love, not only did not seek a cure for its wound, but loves her wound more than all cure, dearly keeping the shafts of sorrow she had received, on account of the love which had shot them into her heart, and continually desiring to die of them, since her Son died of them, who as say all the Holy Scriptures, and all Doctors, died amidst the flames of his charity, a perfect holocaust for all the sins of the world.

An in-depth look at how it is the Holy Mass is The holy Holocaust:

“The Catechism explained” Spirago - Clarke 

Christ our Paschal Lamb, once immolated upon the cross, is daily immolated upon our altars

Council of Trent


The actual or equivalent destruction of some material object as an act of sacrifice. When the destruction is done actually, the object is radically changed, as when an animal is killed or wine is poured out. When the destruction is not done but is equivalent, it is called mystical or symbolic, as occurs in the sacrifice of the Mass, where the separate consecration of the bread and wine symbolizes the separation of Christ's body and blood on Calvary. Christ does not actually die in the Mass, but he manifests his willingness to die symbolically by the double consecration. (Etym. Latin immolatio, sacrifice.)

Roman Catechism

Excellence of the Mass

The Mass Is The Same Sacrifice As That Of The Cross

We therefore confess that the Sacrifice of the Mass is and ought to be considered one and the same Sacrifice as that of the cross, for the victim is one and the same, namely, Christ our Lord, who offered Himself, once only, a bloody Sacrifice on the altar of the cross. The bloody and unbloody victim are not two, but one victim only, whose Sacrifice is daily renewed in the Eucharist, in obedience to the command of our Lord: Do this for a commemoration of me.

The priest is also one and the same, Christ the Lord; for the ministers who offer Sacrifice, consecrate the holy mysteries, not in their own person, but in that of Christ, as the words of consecration itself show, for the priest does not say: This is the body of Christ, but, This is my body; and thus, acting in the Person of Christ the Lord, he changes the substance of the bread and wine into the true substance of His body and blood.

The Mass A Sacrifice Of Praise, Thanksgiving And Propitiation

This being the case, it must be taught without any hesitation that, as the holy Council (of Trent) has also) explained, the sacred and holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not a Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving only, or a mere commemoration of the Sacrifice performed on the cross, but also truly a propitiatory Sacrifice, by which God is appeased and rendered propitious to us. If, therefore, with a pure heart, a lively faith, and affected with an inward sorrow for our transgressions, we immolate and offer this most holy victim,

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