Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Francis and the Faith once delivered

“On Divine Tradition,” by  John Baptist Cardinal Franzelin, S.J. illustrates truths directly attacked by Pope Francis in his Synodal Way and his repeated attempts to try and convince Catholics that The God of Surprises and The Holy Ghost (Which he claims is the impetus underlying the Synodal Way) are leading us to new and deeper truths of The Faith.

But those claims are clearly lies which sit in stark contrast to the truths established by Cardinal Franzelin in his indispensable and great text.

The Apostles were given great authority by Jesus, to the extent that they could be the organs of new revelation, but that was a power and authority that could not be passed on; it ended with the death of the Last Apostle, Saint John.

What could be passed on, and what was passed on, was a Magisterium of the Episcopacy that would preserve and teach the Faith once delivered (2 Timothy 3:10,14; cf 1 Tim 4:5, 2 Tim  1:13) but excluded any charism, authority or ability to teach new revelation.

Our Bishops not only have the authority to teach the Faith once delivered (They have the Duties to Teach, Rule and Sanctify) but they will be judged for their failure to stop Francis from trying to impose his personal progressive political program and his perverted proclivities upon the Church.

Us Catholics alive are living through the most dangerous period of  Faith ever because we have never had a Pope like Francis whose will is to supplant the Faith once delivered with his own personal will.

I have written to my Bishop to follow the steps outlined in “Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies,” to charge him with the delict of heresy and to declare him outside of the Church is he does not repudiate his heresies,  but I received no response, which is what I expected.

I will never leave the Catholic Church because of what Francis is doing because it is Jesus who established His Church, it is Jesus who remains head of His Church, and it is Jesus who will remain head of His Church until the end of days.

I will keep the Faith, pray for Francis to be converted and wait on The Lord. There is nothing else I can do.

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