Thursday, June 23, 2022

Vote? You're joking

 St Augustine : “there is no justice save in that commonwealth whose founder and ruler is Christ” and “kingdoms without justice are but criminal gangs”.

Thus, any country (like our American Empire) that legislates contrary to the commandments of Jesus Christ, King of Heaven and Earth, is aught but a criminal gang.
America, the Evil Empire, is the biggest baddest ass alpha dog gang ever, compared to which the Crips and the Bloods are aught but crippled blood hound puppies.

So what sentient Catholic Traditionalist wants to vote for the Political Crips, the Stupid Party (Republicans) or vote for the Political Bloods, the Evil Party (Democrats) and continue to validate the baddest ass gang ever?
Gangs are violent, lawless, vicious, and always striving to conquer the territory of other gangs.
And I am not going to vote for a gang.

Don’t vote in national elections 
Reasons to Quit Voting

There are four sins crying to Heaven for vengeance and all four sins are the public policy of this Evil Empire, America, and all four sins are the favored objects of positive law in this Evil Empire, America.
Willful Murder (Abortion, Unjust Wars, Drones, Assassinations)
The Sin of Sodom (So-called Gay marriage, the acceptance of sodomy as not only permissible but praise worthy)
Oppression of the Poor (Usury, which is state-sponsored theft of labor).
Defrauding Laborers of their Wages (Mass immigration which undermines the wage scale, closing manufacturing in America and relocating it overseas to be done by slaves)
So, go ahead; vote.
Tell your own self you are discharging you civic duty because you are. As a subject of an Evil Empire, it is your duty to vote to legitimise these institutionalised evils which call to Heaven for God to destroy this Evil Empire.
As for me, I  ain’t voting. I'll stay home and not participate in these evil elections. I'll stay home, drink some quality cabernet and listen to Mozart, Vivaldi, and Beethoven

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