Thursday, April 21, 2022

What are the "holy days"for Satanists?

Candlemas/Feast of Ormlec Feb 2

Spring Equinox/ Lammas March 21 day and night same length 

Beltane/May Eve/Walpurgisnacht April 30

 Celts used to offer humans sacrifice. Hitler committed suicide on this day - prolly after Satan convinced him he'd be resurrected at another time and place

Summer Solstice June 22, longest day of the year

Autumnal Equinox Sept 21,

 Halloween, also called Samhain, Oct 31st

Winter Solstice, Yule, Dec 22, shortest day of the year

 For Satanists, their Birthday is the most important day of the year.

Satanists use robes, knives, and record their actions in the Book of Shadows and incest, animal mutilation and child porn are made manifest on or about this date.

Satanists used to be marked with tattoos on the left side of their bodies. Satanaists used to seek secrecy...

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