Friday, September 30, 2016

The Media is a Liberal Cult that worships Hillary

The Media is a Liberal Cult that has already started to worship Hillary, who is its new axiological principle, and the Cult will do everything in its power to convince everyone else that they must worship her also and if they do not, they will be declared anathema and be sentenced to eternal Dynamic Silence.

The Liberal Cult is like Scientology, just not as reasonable.

Dynamic Silence was invented by Rabbi Feinberg of the American Jewish Committee in 1947 as a method of closing off all access to the public media - and thus the larger culture - for people or organizations deemed to have an unacceptable point of view. In spite of minor changes and adaptations, it can still be understood as being comprised of two parts. In the first part, unfavored individuals are denied unmediated exposure to the public. In the second part, only negative aspects of the unfavored individuals are reported. This starts a downward spiral of de-legitimization in the public eye in which the harder unfavored individuals try to get public exposure, the more negative and unflattering that exposure becomes until, finally, nobody wants to be associated with the ideas of beliefs of the unfavored individuals.

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