Ibn Warraq on the Catholic Church'e effete ecumenism:
Nearly ten years ago, I was the guest of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) of Rome. PISAI is dedicated to interfaith dialogue between Christians and Muslims. But as the director at the time said to me, "There is no real dialogue, since Muslims never reciprocate the goodwill gestures made by the Christians. The result is we sit down together, and the Christians say what a wonderful religion Islam is, and the Muslims say what a wonderful religion Islam is."
Mahomet, as aptly described by Serge Trifkovic, was part David Koresh, part John Gotti, and the reality the Catholic Church has applied the universal solvent of ecumenism to every single thing in the church increases the chances some adept of Mahomet will blow-up your church or your family if you take then to a sporting event.
The willful blindness about the well-documented history of our ancient and continuing enemy (which history Nostra Aetate tells us to FORGET) along with such things as Pope Benedict XVI facing Mecca and praying with an Imam inside the Blue Mosque makes ABS wonder if our Hierarchy is capable of making any distinctions anymore or have they just collectively pitched their tent in the desert of Indifference?
Well, include ABS out. Mahometans do not worship the same God as Catholics as their Koran teaches.
Between their succoring of sodomites and their embrace of those who intend us evil, it is a wonder the hierarchy still has time to continue to try and destroy the Holy Holocaust.
Has anyone in there Hierarchy bothered to study the Mahometan faith?
The hierarchy appears to be completely ignorant of the role of Taqiyya
Does our Hierarchy truly believe the Gabriel of the Annunciation is the same Gabriel who supposedly schooled Mahomet?
Good Lord. Stop with the THE LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON with false religions and Teach the Faith once delivered.