Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Judeo-Christianity depicted


(From Vox Populi Blog)

How can the one true faith be said to be in any way a continuation of faith when the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church is the cult of Christ whereas the fake religion of Judaism rejects Christ?

Saint Augustine teaches Religion is the bond which unites man and God and because it is God who created man it is God who established that Bond with man and because God is one,  He only ever established one religion. the religion of Jesus Christ.

God is He who established religion- the bond with Him – and, because He is one God, He established only one religion and there has only ever been one religion established by God and if we don’t get that right we will forever wander around taking false religions seriously.

The Religion of Jesus Christ is as old as time itself but it has not always been as fully taught as it is now since God became man.

The Religion of Jesus Christ in the old testament taught His chosen people about the need for a savior and redeemer and the Old Testament prophets identified His coming over 300 times - who He would be and what He would do - and so the truth was revealed  slowly and sequentially owing to the arrogant and ignorance of those He liberated from Egypt and gave them water, food and shelter and even preserved for forty years the original sandals and clothes they wore when they were liberated from  their slavery to Pharaoh in Egypt.

His Chosen people had a rough idea of Our Lord and Saviour and they were taught enough so the faithful could be saved whereas some of them had a much more complete idea of the Messias.

So, when you hear of this religion or that religion know that you are hearing about a man created religion and not the bond God established with man, the Religion of Jesus Christ.

There has only ever been one religion

Q. What is religion ? 

A. Religion, according to St. Augustine, is the bond which unites man to God ; in other words, religion is the society of man with God. 

Q. Explain this answer? 

A. Between parents and children there exist ties, or natural and sacred relations. In the same manner there exist relations between God, the creator and father of man, and man, who is the creature and child of God. The ties which exist between God and man are even more sacred than those which unite the son to his father. 

Q. Why so? 

A. Because we owe more to God than a son owes to his father ; God is our creator and our last end, which cannot be said of our earthly fathers. From which we must conclude that our obligations to God are much more holy than are the obligations of children to their parents. 

Q. What does the word religion signify? 

A. The word religion signifies the tie by excellence, or the re-tieing. The tie by excellence, because religion unites us in a supernatural manner to God, who is the most perfect of beings ; the re-tieing, because our Lord, by offering himself up to his father as a victim for us, has re-established the supernatural union which existed between God and man previous to original sin. 

Q. Is there any other religion than the religion of Jesus Christ? 

A . No, there is no other religion than the religion of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ alone, as both God and man, could expiate sin, reconcile man to God, and re-establish the supernatural tie which united them. 

Q. Is the true religion, or religion of Jesus Christ, of ancient date? 

A. The religion of Jesus Christ is as ancient as the world. For it goes back to the time when the Son of God offered himself to his Father to redeem man, and has always had as the object of its faith and its hope this same Mediator and the same rewards. 

Q. Has religion been at all times as fully taught as it is at the present day? 

A. No, religion has not been at all times as fully taught as it is at the present day. But it has not on that account ceased to be the same religion, any more than man, by passing through the different stages of life, ceases to be the same man. 

Q. What difference is there between the faithful who preceded and those who have come after the Messiah ? 

A . The difference is that the ancient just believed in Jesus Christ to come, whilst we believe in Jesus Christ already come. Our faith, our hope, our religion is the same as that of the patriarchs and prophets. 

Q. Why did God delay so long the coming of the Messiah ? 

A. He delayed the coming of the Messiah so long, 1st, in order that man might know, by a long experience of his miseries, the need he had of a Redeemer, and that he might desire his coming more ardently. 

2d, that he might recognise Jesus Christ as the Messiah, seeing that all the figures, promises and prophecies were accomplished and verified in him. 

Q. What has been the object of all the designs of God since the commission of original sin ? 

A. The object of all the designs of God, since the commission of original sin, has been to save man. Be fore the coming of the Messiah, all his designs had for their end to prepare man s redemption, and since the coming, to maintain and extend its blessings to all men. 

Q. What fruit do we derive from this truth ? 

A . The fruit we ought to derive from this truth is, to love God as he has loved us, constantly and solely. 

Q. Why did God make known the mystery of the redemption only by degrees ? 

A. God made known the mystery of the redemption only by degrees, in order to consult man’s weakness. A great many previous miracles were necessary to di pose him to believe this greatest of all miracles. 

The Messiah promised and prefigured. First Promise. Adam and Abel the first and second figures or types of the Messiah. 

Q. How did God make known the Redeemer to come 

A. God made known the Redeemer to come, 1st, by promises, 2d, figures, and 3d, by prophecies. 

Q. What do you understand by figures of the Messiah ? 

A. By figures of the Messiah, I understand certain actions, certain events, certain personages, that represented beforehand the characteristics and actions of the Messiah. 

Q. How do we know that the patriarchs, the sacrifices, and the whole Jewish people were a figure of the Messiah ? 

A. We know that the patriarchs, the sacrifices and the whole Jewish people were a figure of the Messiah, 1st, on the authority of our Lord himself, and that of the apostles and evangelists. St. Paul in particular says that Jesus Christ is the end of the Mosaic law, and that whatever happened to the Jews was a figure of what was accomplished among Christians. 

2d, on the authority of the fathers of the church ; St. Augustine says that the whole Jewish people were only a grand figure of the Messiah. 

3d, by the conformity or resemblance of the figures to our Lord, for in look ing at several portraits of the same person, drawn by
different artists, no one would say that all these por raits resemble the person merely by chance. 

Q. Did the patriarchs and ancient Jews know, in general, the sense of the promises, figures, and prophecies of the Redeemer ? 

A. The patriarchs and ancient Jews knew, in general, the sense of the promises, figures, and prophecies of the Redeemer : the better instructed among them had a clear knowledge of it, the rest had what was necessary for their salvation. 

Catechism of Perseverance, Abbe Gaume

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Paris going dark

 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign: and a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. And he left them, and went away. 

There are not a few Trad Catholics who claim that when lightening struck St. Peter's Basilica after Pope Benedict XVI abdicated, it was a clear signal of God's disapproval. 

But as Kip said to Napoleon Dynamite; You have no way of knowing that...

St. Peter's is frequently struck by lightning and so how does one explain the following lightening strikes?

Well, by prolly saying that the lightening strikes signaled approval from God..but that is just another way of saying that any spiritual meaning to be assigned to lightening striking St. Peter's is purely subjective and associated with the emotional and spiritual state of the witness at the time.

If the witness is in a good state and feeling positive about what is happening in The Vatican at the time of the lightening strike, then the strike will be interpreted as a sign of approval by God for those actions whereas if what is happening in The Vatican at the time of the lightening strike is negative, the strike will be interpreted by the witness as a sign of God's disapproval of that action but it really is a case of the emotional/psychological projection of the witness in both instances.

But striking is what lightning does to really big and tall structures and so there is nothing definitive or of spiritual consequence to be derived from the strike.

Who is a Jew?

No, I'm not talking about how the fake Jews define what it means to be a Jew - one born of a Jewish Mother -  but the Bible definition written by a Jew

Romans 2 28 For it is not he is a Jew, who is so outwardly; nor is that circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh:  29 But he is a Jew, that is one inwardly; and the circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Haydock Commentary

Ver. 14-15. When the Gentiles . . . do by nature, or naturally, that is, without having received any written law, these men are a law to themselves, and have it written in their hearts, as to the existence of a God, and their reason tells them, that many sins are unlawful: they may also do some actions that are morally good, as by giving alms to relieve the poor, honouring their parents, &c. not that these actions, morally good, will suffice for their justification of themselves, or make them deserve a supernatural reward in the kingdom of heaven; but God, out of his infinite mercy, will give them some supernatural graces, by which they come to know, and believe, that he will reward their souls for eternity. Such, says S. Chrys. were the dispositions of Melchisedech, Job, Cornelius the Centurion, &c. Wi.

Ver. 17. But if thou art called a Jew. In the common Greek copies, we read, behold, thou art a Jew, &c. S. Paul here turns his discourse particularly to the Jews, who valued themselves so much upon their law, their temple, and their ceremonies; and therefore are said to rest on the law, as if it were enough to be by profession a Jew. Wi. — But many manuscripts, Clement Alexand. Origen, Ambrose, Sedul. Theophyl. &c. read it as in the Vulgate, ei su IoudaioV. Calmet.

Ver. 21. Thou, therefore, that teachest another, teachest not thyself, &c. S. Chrys. (hom. vi.) takes these sentences as so many interrogations; dost thou teach thyself? dost thou not steal? dost thou not commit adultery? &c. Wi.

Ver. 22. Idols, &c. The Jews, at the time of our Saviour, were free from idolatry, to which their ancestors had been so prone for so long a time. But to this evil had succeeded another, scarcely less heinous, viz. sacrilege, and a profanation of holy things. The greater part of the high priests bought their office. The priests permitted in the temple itself a kind of traffic, which caused our Saviour to declare to them, that they had made the house of his Father a den of thieves. And to favour their own avarice, they taught that it was lawful to defraud their creditors, and refuse to their parents the necessary succour, in the case of vows to give to the temple. S. Paul does not here reproach them for the profanations of the temple which they committed in the last siege of Jerusalem, for it had not then taken place; but he knew full will the dispositions of their hearts, and the little regard they had for the most sacred things. Calmet.

It was after the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in A.D. 70 that the fake Jews wrote the Talmud trying to justify their perfidy and evil.

Ver. 24. The apostle here only repeats the reproaches which the prophets had repeated so often before, that the Jews, by the contrast between their lives and the sanctity of their religion, had been the cause of that religion and worship being the ridicule and laughing-stock of the Gentile world. Calmet. — A reproach this, which also bears very heavy upon many Christians of the present day; who by their profession believe the truth of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic faith, and by their conduct belie the same, leading lives unworthy of pagans. A.

Ver. 25. Circumcision profiteth indeed, inasmuch as it was ordained by Almighty God, as were also the precepts of the law, which were to be observed before the publishing of the new law of Christ. See Gal. v. 6. But it was never profitable to the transgressors of the law. Nay, the uncircumcised Gentiles, who have complied with those natural precepts, which are also commanded by the law of Moses, shall judge and condemn those, who received the written law, and at the same time were transgressors of it. Wi.

Ver. 26. Shall not his uncircumcision (Lit. his præputium) be reputed for circumcision? Nonne præputium illius in circumcisionem reputabitur? h peritomh sou akrobustia gegonen. A translation may adhere to the letter too much; this seems literal enough. Wi.

Ver. 28. Nor is that circumcision, which is outwardly in the flesh. S. Paul distinguisheth two sorts of circumcision; that which is made in the flesh, according to the letter of the law, which is an outward circumcision; and a more necessary circumcision of the heart, and of the spirit, by which a man's interior is reformed, and by which his vices and disorders are cut off. The first circumcision would never avail a man any thing without the second. Wi.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Messias-Denying Sodomite who created the Paris Last Supper/First Mass blasphemy. What could be said about him?

  Proverbs 6 12 A man that is an apostate, an unprofitable man, walketh with a perverse mouth, 13 He winketh with the eyes, presseth with the foot, speaketh with the finger.  14 With a wicked heart he deviseth evil, and at all times he soweth discord.  15 To such a one his destruction shall presently come, and he shall suddenly be destroyed, and shall no longer have any remedy.16 Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh his soul detesteth:  17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,  18 A heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that are swift to run into mischief,  19 A deceitful witness that uttereth lies, and him that soweth discord among brethren